Page 110 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 110

2017 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

          feature that allows importation of crime data from an exist-  Note that Figure 5 reveals a section of raw-data information
          ing file for processing (“process data” tab).       (PSE) for an instance of the highlighted series. Generally,
                                                             clicking the series PDE information (that is the pie chart)
                                                             reveals the pattern space information of the corresponding
          4.2. Identified Series Information Across Locations
                                                             (PDE) series at that location. The pattern space enumeration
          CriClust uniquely presents cluster information in a manner  (PSE) gives much more in-depth information about attribute
          that can be understood by a novice public safety person-  values characterising a series
          nel, with no expert domain knowledge. Figure 4 presents
          the identified locations with at least one series. This gives a
                                                                       5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
          quick high level insightful information on areas with repeat
          offenders. However, it is worth mentioning that the map is
                                                             This paper presents a novel crime clustering model, CriClust,
          able to reveal more information about the series clusters as
                                                             for crime series pattern (CSP) detection and mapping to de-
          seen in Figure 5. The graduated colour map can show the
                                                             rive useful knowledge from a crime dataset. The analysis is
          following for any suburb:
                                                             augmented using a dual-threshold model, and pattern preva-
                                                             lence information is encoded in similarity graphs. The sys-
             • the number of series at a particular location (as seen in
                                                             tem reveals underlying strong correlations and defining fea-
               Figure 4).
                                                             tures for a series, which can promote actionable knowledge.
             • proportion difference evaluation (PDE) across series
               identified at a specific location (i.e a pie chart with %
               per series), that is the propagation effect of each series.
             • pattern space enumeration (PSE), revealing attribute
               information and the peculiar features that characterise
               a particular series as seen in Figure 5-“Series Informa-

                                                               Fig  6.  Trend  of  series  observed  across  locations  with
                                                                               varying data size

                                                             Furthermore, we note that when the crime records increases
                                                             the number of series identified across most of the locations
                                                             remains as it was (2 or 3 series). This means that increase
                                                             in crime record does not necessarily always imply increase
                                                             in the number of identified series at the locations or emer-
                                                             gence of a new series, as depicted in Figure 6. Table 3 de-
                  Fig. 4. The locations of crimes series     scribes the peculiar features that characterise each series, de-
                                                             noted (S1, S2, S3). The markers “1” (presence) and “0”
                                                             (absence) respectively denote emergence or disappearance
                                                             of a corresponding feature. “Disappearance” in this con-
                                                             text means a scenario where the value of the feature is rela-
                                                             tively “undefined” or not consistent enough to be considered
                                                             as a characterising feature for the series. The emergence of
                                                             a feature does not necessarily mean that the feature has the
                                                             same “value” across all the series highlighted in Table 3 as
                                                             the opportunities available to potential offenders vary across
                                                             different spatial space. Thus having the indicator “1” for
                                                             lines (S/N) 1 and 2 for the “Day” attribute does not mean
                                                             S1 and S2 at Mowbray always happen on the same day as
                                                             they are two different series, but emerging at the same local-
                                                             ity. Furthermore, the suspect frame (SFr) attribute emerges
             Fig. 5. Visualisation of series information at Wynberg   for both S1 and S2 at Mowbray, but actually with unique val-
                                                             ues “moderate” and “slender” respectively. Also note that
          Figure 5 shows an instance of three series identified at Wyn-
                                                             the “motivation” (Mot) feature emerges for S2 but did not
          berg location, with PDEs 26 %, 34 % and 40 % respectively.  emerge for S1. Hence, this feature has the indicators “0”

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