Page 113 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
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             B. Spyropoulos , Α. Alexandropoulos , N. Boci , E. Chatziapostolou , E. Frappa , E. Georgiadou ,
                                    I. Louts , I. Pantelakis , M. Poultsaki , M. Xenaki
           1  Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technological Education Institute of Athens, Athens, Greece
            2  Graduate Program “Information Technologies in Medicine and Biology”, Department of Informatics
                 and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece

                              ABSTRACT                        Indicative aspects of “green” technologies in Health-care
                                                              are described, as design, standards, maturity, adoption etc.
           The  Hospital  is  the most complex and representative   “Green” manufacturing and proper employment of Medical
                                                              equipment,  reagents,  medicaments and disposal of various
           establishment of the society and nowadays, among the most   wastes, are also briefly addressed.
           costly  ones.  ICTs may rationalize personnel-efforts and
           reduce energy and material-wasting, to enable health-care   The Hospital is an ancient, complex, though representative
           coverage, of unprivileged social-groups. The aim of the   establishment of the society, and nowadays it constitutes the
           paper is to present the most effective and efficient means   most multifarious, multifaceted and costly one.  ICTs may
           and tools, reducing unnecessary cost, as  Mobile  IP-  rationalize the personnel-efforts [3] and reduce energy and
           network, Service-oriented  architecture, provided to other   material-wasting  [4],  to enable health-care coverage, of
           components, through a communication protocol, over  α   unprivileged social-groups. The aim of the paper is twofold:
           network,  Ubiquitous-computing, Femtocells, small,  low-  •   To briefly present the most effective and efficient ICTs
           power cellular base-stations, typically designed for use in a   means and tools, reducing unnecessary cost.
           hospital-department, ward-room  or unit, Wireless mesh-  •   To  “match”  the  available  appropriate  tools and
           networks, made-up of radio-nodes,  organized  in a mesh-  methods  to the needs of the corresponding Hospital
           topology, supporting intra-hospital data-exchange, training   Departments, Clinics, Laboratories and Services.
           Multimedia-sharing over wireless networks, for  real-time   Methodologically, this task  is being accomplished, by
           or compressed data-streaming over IP/wireless-networks   monitoring and evaluating the relevant to the subject-matter
           for  communication  or archiving. Green-computing in   recent  scientific  publications and published Industrial
           wireless-networks, are limiting people and material intra-  Property Documents (IP-Docs), predicting the near future.
           hospital “circulation” and, thus, they are enabling the   Finally, a cardinal aspect of a successful accomplishment of
           necessary environmentally friendly and smooth procedures.   such  an  endeavor is the meticulous planning, for each
           Standardization,  policies and regulations for green   involved  Institution,  of the procurement methods, i.e. the
           communications and computing, in “green” Hospitals are   actions of obtaining or procuring  ICTs,  Biomedical
           indispensable  and ICTs enable procedures optimization,   Technology (BMT) Equipment, Services and Innovation.
           solving energy- and material-waste problems, reducing the   Pre-Commercial  Procurement (PCP) [5], challenges
           overall operational-cost, in the emerging “smart, green   industry  from the demand side, to develop innovative
           and networked” Hospital, in favor of the people in need.   solutions, for example covering some Hospital needs. It
                                                              provides a first customer reference that allows companies to
           Keywords—  ICTs,  Mobile IP-networks,  Service-oriented   create  competitive  advantage on the market.  PCP enables
           architecture,  Ubiquitous-computing,  Femtocells, Wireless   public procurers to compare alternative potential
           mesh-networks, Standardization and regulation,  Green-  approaches and filter-out the best possible solutions that the
           computing, Green smart Hospital.                   market can deliver, to address a specific public need.
                                                              Public Procurement of Innovative (PPI) solutions facilitates
                          1. INTRODUCTION                     a  wide  diffusion of innovation in the  market [6].  PPI
                                                              provides a large enough demand, to provide the incentives
                                                              for  the   industry  to  invest.  Expecting  wide
           This paper presents some important perspectives on “Green   commercialization,  the  providers  hope to bring innovative
           ICTs” [1], focused on the contemporary Hospital,  by   technologies  to the market, with the quality and the price
           discussing its various facets and showing how they could be   needed, for mass market deployment.  This  enables the
           implemented, in order to reduce personnel  efforts  and   public  sector  to  modernize public services, as Hospitals,
           superfluous costs. It examines various ways and means of   Universities,  R&D Facilities etc.  with  better value for
           making ICTs “smarter” and “greener” [2],  by  using   money  technology and creates the opportunity for growth
           Information  Technology,  as  a  tool  and  an  actuator,  to   for the involved companies.
           improve  and promote environmental and economical
           sustainability aspects, in the modern networked Health-care.

           978-92-61-24291-6/CFP1768P-ART © 2017 ITU      – 97 –                                   Kaleidoscope
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