Page 111 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 111

Challenges for a data-driven society

                        Table 3. A depiction of the characterising (peculiar) features emerging for each series (S i ).
             S/N   Location  PDE(%)  Day  Time  Vic  Sus  VAge   SAge  SFr  Mot  MO    HCol  Mask  Sub-Ab
              1              35 (S1)  1     1    1    1     0     0     1    0    1     1     0       0
              2              65 (S2)  1     1    1    1     0     1     1    1    1     1     1       1
              3   CapeTown   50 (S1)  0     1    1    1     0     0     1    1    1     1     0       0
              4    Central   50 (S2)  1     1    1    1     0     1     1    0    1     0     0       0
              5              40(S1)   1     1    1    1     0     1     1    0    1     1     0       0
              6    Wynberg   34(S2)   1     1    1    0     1     0     0    1    1     0     1       1
              7              26(S3)   0     1    0    1     0     1     1    0    1     1     0       0
              8    Grassy-   21(S1)   1     1    1    0     0     0     0    1    1     1     0       1
              9     Park     79(S2)   1     1    1    1     0     1     1    1    1     0     1       0

          and ”1” for S1 and S2 respectively. Each of the series has
          at least six features characterising the offender’s MO, which
          aligns with the initial proposition and similarity (threshold)
          condition for this research. [h!]
          It is clear from Table 3 that the operating times for the se-
          ries and the capture method (called MO in the data as this
          is the term police use for it) are features that are highly con-
          sistent throughout the identified series, which is as antici-
          pated, while some other features such as motivation (Mot)
          and Victim age (VAge) are not very consistent across series
          clusters. These varying observations agree with the fact that  Fig. 7. Scalability assessment of CriClust with increasing
          each series is likely different and has its unique MO, since
                                                                                  data size
          the opportunities available to potential offenders vary across
          different spatial space due to differences in spatial factors.
          While the capture method emerges across all the series, it  • Statistically interpretable patterns and visualisation:
          is also interesting to note that the corresponding feature val-  CriClust pays special attention to systematically pre-
          ues vary for different series. For example, the method for  senting series information such that a novice (public
          victim capture is through “kidnapping’ in one instance and  safety personnel) in the crime mining field can easily
          “substance-influence” in some other series. The usefulness  understand what the trend is saying. This is achieved
          of this research in terms of clusters generated, various forms  using the Google map application programming inter-
          of visualisations, and relative scalability can only be appre-  face (GMAPI), which helps to enhance visualisation
          ciated if one considers the challenge crime analysts usually  of locations where series activities are prevalent. Fur-
          have to go through if they were to identify crime series clus-  thermore, the notion of the PDE and PSE information
          ters in even hundreds of records using Excel, a common tool  which reveals the propagation effect (dominance) of
          currently in most SA police stations. This would otherwise  a series and characterising feature for a series, aid
          be tedious, error-prone and time-consuming if not assisted  actionable knowledge support. The propagation ef-
          with effective models such as CriClust.                 fect tells us which of the series has a high dominating
          Figure 7 reveal the runtime performance of CriClust as  power (dominant series) at a particular locality. This
          dataset size increases. These times are averages over multi-  measure can help to guide decisions as to which series
          ple runs against each dataset. We note that run-time increases  to track down first.
          approximately linearly as the data size increases, which is
          typical of most data dependent applications. The time to
                                                             5.1. Contribution to Smart City Development in Devel-
          deploy indicates the time it takes for the application to estab-
                                                             oping Nations
          lish connection with the database and to be ready for cluster
          processing, while the runtime indicates the actual time it  Smart city development is an emerging phenomenon that is
          takes to process the clusters.                     driving much information and communication technology
          In summary the following are the key benefits of the CriClust  (ICT) research in recent times. This phenomenon is also cur-
          system:                                            rently a major focus in most developing nations of the world,
                                                             and has varying interpretations by different researchers [3].
             • Timely series pattern discovery: security agencies can  While smart city generally focuses on transforming existing
               stop a crime if they timeously identify the pattern of  cities into better and more intelligent ones, its development
               such crime, leveraging these to inform and influence  is specifically concerned with two major objectives, which
               actionable safety goals or targets.           are: (i) increase or promote the quality of life of people; and

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