Page 13 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 13

Trust in ICT                                                1

            1       Scope
            Moving  towards  an  interconnected  knowledge  society  from  an  information  society  requires  a  trusted
            Information  and  Communication  Technology  (ICT)  infrastructure  for  sharing  information  and  creating
            knowledge. To advance the efforts to build converged ICT services and reliable information infrastructures,
            ITU-T has recently started a work item on future trusted ICT infrastructures.
            •       Therefore, this technical report addresses the following key items:

            •       Definitions,  key  characteristics  and  features  on  trust  from  different  perspectives  for  a  clear
                    understanding of trust;

            •       Use cases for trust provisioning based on the technical report of ITU-T Correspondence Group on
                    Trust  (CG-Trust),  materials  from  other  Standards  Developing  Organizations  (SDOs)  and  related
            •       A strategy for trust provisioning in the ICT infrastructure, services and applications based on trust
                    taxonomy in different domains;
            •       Architectural  framework  for  trusted  social  cyber  physical  infrastructures  and  for  trust  decision
                    making for trustworthy ICT eco-system;

            •       Technical details for trust provisioning including trust modelling and decision making;
            •       Roadmap and working priority for future standardization in ITU-T based on related standardization

            2       Abbreviations and acronyms

            AOSSL          Always On Secure Sockets Layer

            API            Application Programming Interface
            ARH            Abdul-Rahman and Hailes
            ARL            Agent Registration List

            B2B            Business-to-Business
            B2C            Business to Consumer

            BEA            Bid Evaluation Agent
            BRS            Beta reputation system
            CA             Contractor Agent

            CFP            Call for Proposal
            CG-Trust       Correspondence Group on Trust
            CNP            Contract Net Protocol

            CoI            Community of Interest
            CPSS           Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
            D2D            Device-to-Device

            DIKW           Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
            DL             Description Logic
            DoS            Denial of Service

            FOAF           Friend-Of-A-Friend
            GPS            Global Positioning System

            GSM            Global System for Mobile Communications

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