Page 17 - Trust in ICT 2017
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Trust in ICT                                                1

            •       Section 6 proposes trust taxonomy in different domains in order to identify important issues for
                    trust provisioning in the ICT infrastructure, services and applications, and describe a strategy for
                    solving these issues, particularly considering trust provisioning process.
            •       Section 7 demonstrates feasible methods to implement architecture for trusted social cyber physical
                    infrastructures  and  a  framework  for  trust  decision  making  for  trustworthy  ICT  eco-system.
                    Furthermore, it emphasises key functionalities, requirements and standard interfaces for autonomic
                    decision making.
            •       Section 8 focuses on developing a generalized trust definition for all entities in Internet of Things
                    (IoT)  in  which  trust  can  be  formalized  and  produced  within  a  service  platform  in  the  future.
                    Supporting to our goal, topics on trust provisioning strategies for services, applications and ICT
                    infrastructure and ideas on trust ontology will be discussed here. In addition, this section suggests
                    a  framework  for  autonomic  trust  management  based  on  Monitor,  Analyse,  Plan,  Execute,  and
                    Knowledge feedback loop to evaluate the level of trust in an IoT cloud ecosystem. It also introduces
                    Blockchain technology as a tool for trust provisioning.
            •       Section 9 provides details for related standardization activities in ITU-T and other SDOs. In addition,
                    this  section  shows  important  work  items  for  standardization  and  discuss  next  step  for  future
                    standardization in ITU-T.

            4       Understanding of Trust
            This section presents different meanings of trust from various perspectives as a key achievement of ITU-T
            CG-Trust standardization activities. It also describes general aspects of trust like characteristics, key features
            and relationships with knowledge, security and privacy.
            In  general,  trust  revolves  around  ‘assurance’  and  confidence  that  people,  data,  entities,  information  or
            processes will function or behave in expected ways. At the deeper level, trust is regarded as a consequence
            of progress towards security or privacy objectives. Trust is not a new research topic in computer science,
            spanning areas as diverse as security and access control in computer networks, reliability in distributed
            systems, game theory and agent systems, and policies for decision making under uncertainty. The concept
            of trust in these different communities varies in how it is represented, computed, and used.

            Trust is a complex notion with different keywords (see Figure 1) and a multi-level analysis is important in
            order to understand it. Therefore, this section aims to provide a clear understanding of trust, from definitions,
            key characteristics and features on trust from different perspectives.

            4.1     Definition of Trust

            Trust is a broad concept used in many disciplines and subject areas but until now, there is no commonly
            agreed definition. It is a critical factor that highly influences the likelihood of entities to interact and transact
            in both real world and ICT environments. Trust is crucial that it affects the appetite of an entity to use services
            or products offered by another entity. This example can be seen in our everyday life where trust decisions
            are made. When purchasing a product, we may favour certain brands or certain models due to our trust that
            they will provide better quality compare to others. This trust may come from our past experience of using
            these brands’ products (termed “belief”) or from their reputations that are perceived from people who
            bought items and left their opinions about those products (termed “reputation”), or from suggestions of your
            surrounding  such  as  families  and  friends  (termed  “recommendation”).  Similarly,  trust  also  affects  the
            decision of an entity to transact with other entity in ICT environment. Both consumers and providers should
            trust each other before decisions to consume or to provide the services are made; otherwise fraudulent
            transactions may occur.

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