Page 14 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 14

1                                                    Trust in ICT

            HIPAA          Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

            HTTP           Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
            HTTPS          HTTP over SSL

            HVAC           Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
            IA             Initiator Agent
            ICT            Information and Communication Technology
            IETF           Internet Engineering Task Force

            IF-MAP         Interface to a Metadata Access Point
            IoT            Internet of Things
            IT             Information Technology

            ITU-T          International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector
            M2M            Machine-to-Machine

            MANET          Mobile Ad Hoc Network
            MAPE-K         Monitor, Analyse, Plan, Execute, Knowledge
            MAS            Multi Agent System

            NAC            Network Access Control
            OBU            On Board Unit

            OTA            Online Trust Alliance
            OWL            Web Ontology Language
            P2P            Peer-to-Peer
            PDR            Packet Delivery Ratio

            PGP            Pretty Good Privacy
            PKI            Public Key Infrastructure

            PLC            Power Line Communication
            PML            Proof Markup Language

            PoA            Point of Attachment
            QL             Query Language
            QoE            Quality of Experience
            QoS            Quality of Service
            RDF            Resource Description Framework

            RFID           Radio Frequency Identification
            RL             Rule Language

            SCP            Social-Cyber-Physical
            SDK            Software Development Kit
            SDO            Standards Developing Organization
            SED            Self-Encrypting Drive
            SLA            Service Level Agreement

            SOA            Software Oriented Architecture
            SSL            Secure Socket Layer

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