Page 84 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 84

‎ 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference‎

           Figure 1 – Two-phase optimization scheme for VMP problems considered in this work, presenting a basic example with a
           placement recalculation time of β = 2 (from t = 2 to t = 4) and a placement reconfiguration time of γ = 1 (from t = 4 to
           t = 5).

           of obtained solutions in VMP problems when compared    VMs plus new requests) and their specifications;
           to offline decisions [13].  Offline algorithms present a  • information about the utilization of resources of each
           substantial advantage over online alternatives. Unfortunately,  active VM at each discrete time t;
           offline formulations are not appropriate for highly dynamic
           environments of real-world IaaS providers, where cloud  • the current placement at each discrete time t (i.e. x(t)).
           services are requested dynamically according to current  The result of the iVMP phase at each discrete time t is an
           demand. In this context, a previously proposed two-phase  incremental placement ∆x(t) for the next time instant in such
           optimization scheme is considered, combining advantages  a way that x(t + 1) = x(t) + ∆x(t). The placement at t + 1 is
           of online and offline VMP formulations and decomposing                               m(t)×n , as defined in
           VMP problems into two different sub-problems:  (1)  represented as a matrix x(t + 1) ∈ {0, 1}
                                                              Equation ((1)):
           (online) incremental VMP (iVMP) and (2) (offline) VMP
           reconfiguration (VMPr).                                              x 1,1 (t + 1)  . . .  x 1,n (t + 1)   
           The iVMP sub-problem is considered for dynamic arriving  x(t + 1) =      x m(t),1 (t + 1)  . . .  x m(t),n (t + 1)      (1)
                                                                                                 . . .
                                                                                 . . .
           requests, where VMs could be created, modified and removed                    . . .          
           at runtime.  Consequently, this sub-problem should be  Formally, the placement for the next discrete time instant
           formulated as an online problem and solved with short time  x(t + 1) is a function of the current placement x(t) and the
           constraints, where existing heuristics could be reasonably  active VMs at discrete time t, i.e.:
           appropriate. In online algorithms for iVMP, decisions are
           performed at each discrete time t. The considered iVMP            x(t + 1) = f [x(t),V(t)]       (2)
           problem is based on [13] and could be formally enunciated  Additionally, the VMPr sub-problem is considered for
           as:                                                improving the quality of solutions obtained in the iVMP
           Given a complex IaaS environment composed by a set of  phase, reconfiguring the placement through VM migrations.
           PMs (H), a set of active VMs already requested before time  This sub-problem could be formulated offline, where
           t (V(t)), and the current placement of VMs into PMs (i.e.  alternative solution techniques could result in more suitable
           x(t)), an incremental placement of V(t) into H for the time  ones (e.g. meta-heuristics). An offline algorithm solves a
           t + 1 (x(t + 1)) without migrations is sought, satisfying the  VMP problem considering a static environment, where VM
           problem constraints and optimizing the considered objective  requests do not change over time considering the migration
           functions.                                         of VMs between PMs. The formulation of the considered
           The considered formulation of the iVMP problem receives  VMPr problem is based on [12] and could be enunciated as:
           the following information as input data:           Given a current placement of VMs into PMs (x(t)), a
                                                              placement reconfiguration through migration of VMs between
             • a set of n available PMs and their specifications;  PMs for the discrete time t (i.e. x (t)) is sought, satisfying the
             • a dynamic set of m(t) requested VMs (already allocated  constraints and optimizing the considered objective functions.

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