Page 86 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 86

‎ 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference‎

           Considering the different approaches presented in Table  • RQ 1: which ML techniques could be considered more
           1, recent research work by the authors [14] validate that  appropriate for VMPr Triggering methods?
           algorithms considering prediction-based VMPr triggering
           methods for solving a VMP problem in a two-phase     • RQ 2: how important is to accurately predict when to
           optimization scheme outperform other evaluated alternatives.  trigger a VMPr phase in VMP problems?
           Consequently, designing novel prediction-based VMPr  • RQ 3: rather than predicting future objective function
           triggering methods may improve operations of cloud     values, what other parameters could be evaluated for
           computing data centers, where ML techniques represent a  VMPr Triggering methods?
           promising approach.
           Additionally to the potential of applying ML techniques for  3.2  ML for Network Management
           VMPr triggering methods, several other issues should be  In the context of 5G networks, mobile operations should
           considered during the reconfiguration time, once a placement  include critical and fault-tolerant services, where live
           reconfiguration is accepted.                        migration of VMs between PMs in VMPr phases may require
           In the next section, two main identified opportunities for  short-time re-routing strategies and adaptive topologies,
           ML techniques are summarized in order to improve cloud  where SDN represents a valid approach in cloud computing
           computing data center management.                  networks.  Consequently, considering network routing
                                                              reconfiguration (NRR) [16] as part of VMP problems also
              3.  MACHINE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES              represent opportunities for ML techniques to predictively
           According to Mitchell et al.  [15], a broadly accepted  reconfigure networking topologies and routes in cloud
           definition of algorithms in machine learning fields is that:  services.
           A computer program is said to learn from experience E with  Additionally, several formulations consider inter-VM network
           respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P  traffic minimization by locating VMs with high network
           if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves  communication rate in the same PM, as studied in [12]. In
           with experience E.                                 this case, studying techniques for clustering these VMs may
           Additionally, it is important to remember that machine  result in being useful for this particular operational decision
           learning may be broadly classified into [23]:       making. Consequently, the following research questions may
             • Supervised Learning: where inputs and desired outputs  be analyzed:
               (labels) are given to the learning algorithm as a training  • RQ 4:  which ML techniques could be considered
               phase.                                             more appropriate for predicting Network Routing
             • Unsupervised Learning: where no labels are given,  Reconfiguration (NRR) as part of VMP problems in SDN
               leaving the learning algorithm to find structure in its  implementations?
               inputs.                                          • RQ 5:   which ML techniques could be considered
                                                                  more appropriate for clustering VMs for supporting
           In the context of the research topic presented in this work,  placement decisions?
           most important applications include Regression (supervised
           learning) and Clustering (unsupervised learning). Section  It is important to note that several other challenges and
           3.1 discusses opportunities for ML techniques in Regression  opportunities may be considered for applying ML techniques
           and its application to prediction problems, particularly  to improve cloud computing data center management in 5G
           for proposing novel VMPr Triggering, while Section 3.2  service operations.
           describes ML opportunities in Clustering and its application
           to cloud computing network management.               4.  CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS

           3.1 ML for VMPr Triggering                         In the context of resource management for cloud computing
           In the context of the studied two-phase optimization scheme  data centers, several challenges may be addressed by
           for VMP problems in cloud computing environments,  considering state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.
           prediction-based VMPr triggering methods represent a  This paper presented identified opportunities on improving
           promising triggering approach, as previously studied by the  critical resource management decisions, analyzing the
           authors in [14].  To the best of the author’s knowledge,  potential of applying machine learning to solve these relevant
           existing VMPr triggering methods consider basic statistical  problems, mainly in Regression and Clustering applications.
           techniques (e.g. double exponential smoothing) for deciding  A two-phase optimization scheme for VMP problems
           when or under what circumstances to trigger a VMPr phase.  was considered to present opportunities for machine
           A regression analysis based on current operational data on  learning techniques as a promising approach to address
           cloud computing data centers may improve prediction models  identified research challenges such as proposing novel
           in real-world implementations, as 5G service providers.  prediction-based VMPr triggering methods (see Section 3.1)
           Consequently, exploring alternative techniques for predicting  and applying clustering algorithms to identify VMs with high
           when to trigger a VMPr phase should advance the field of the  communication rates to allocate them in the same PM if
           studied VMP problems, considering the following research  possible in order to minimize inter-VM network traffic (see
           questions:                                         Section 3.2).

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