Page 85 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 85

Machine learning for a 5G future

           The proposed formulation of the VMPr problem receives the  2.2.1  Periodical Triggering
           following information as input data:
                                                              As presented in Table 1, several studied works have looked
                                                              at periodically triggering the VMPr phase.  Periodically
             • a set of n available PMs and their specifications;  triggering the VMPr could present disadvantages when
                                                              defining a fixed reconfiguration period (e.g. every 10 time
             • information about the utilization of resources of each  instants). For example, a reconfiguration could be required
               active VM at discrete time t;                  before the established time, where optimization opportunities

             • the current placement at discrete time t (i.e. x(t)).  could be wasted or even economical penalties could impact
                                                              cloud data center operation. On the other hand, in certain
                                                              cases the reconfiguration may not be necessary and triggering
           The considered optimization scheme for the VMP problem  the VMPr could represent profitless reconfigurations.
           is based on methods to decide when or under what
           circumstances to trigger placement reconfigurations with  2.2.2  Threshold-based Triggering
           the migration of VMs between PMs (VMPr triggering) and  Another regularly studied VMPr triggering method considers
           what to do with cloud services requested during placement  a threshold-based approach (see Table 1), where thresholds
           recalculation time (VMPr recovering). The VMPr phase is  are defined in terms of utilization of PM resources (e.g.
           triggered according to a given VMPr triggering method (see  CPU). Thresholds indicate when a PM H i is considered to be
           Section 2.2).                                      underloaded or overloaded, and consequently, a VMPr should
           Once the VMPr is triggered, the placement of VMs at  be triggered. For example, fixing utilization thresholds for
           discrete time t is recalculated during β discrete time slots  overloaded and underloaded PM detection, for all considered
           (i.e. recalculation time). The result of the VMPr problem  resources, to 10% and 90% respectively.  The described
                                                              threshold-based VMPr triggering method makes isolated
           is a placement reconfiguration for the discrete time t − β
           (i.e. x (t − β)). It is important to note that the recalculated  reconfiguration decisions at each PM without the complete
           placement is potentially obsolete, considering the offline  knowledge of global optimization objectives, giving place to
           nature of the VMPr phase.  In fact, while the VMPr  a distributed decision approach.
           is making its calculation, the iVMP still may receive
           and serve arriving requests, making obsolete the VMPr  2.2.3  Prediction-based Triggering
           calculated solution; therefore, the recalculated placement  Considering the main identified issues related to the studied
           must be recovered accordingly using a VMPr recovering  VMPr triggering methods, prediction-based VMPr triggering
           method, before complete reconfiguration is performed. The  methods were recently proposed in the VMP specialized
           recovering process as well as the migration of VMs are
           performed in γ discrete time slots (i.e. reconfiguration time),  literature, statistically analyzing an objective function F(x, t)
                                                              that is optimized and proactively detecting situations where
           where γ may vary according to the maximum amount of RAM  a VMPr triggering is potentially required for a placement
           to be migrated. Figure 1 presents the described two-phase  reconfiguration.  The considered prediction-based VMPr
           optimization scheme, considering β = 2, from t = 2 to t = 4  triggering method uses a double exponential smoothing
           and γ = 1, from t = 4 to t = 5.                    (DES) [7] as a statistical technique for predicting values of the
           It is important to note that a large number of possible  objective function F(x, t), mathematically formulated next:
           objective functions F(x, t) and constraints e(x, t) could be
           considered for a VMP problem formulation, according to       S t = α × Z t + (1 − τ)(S t−1 + b t−1 )  (3)
           provider preferences [11, 10].
           2.2 Considered VMPr Triggering Methods
                                                                         b t = τ(S t − S t−1 ) + (1 − τ)(b t−1 )  (4)
           A VMPr triggering method defines when or under what
           circumstances a VMPr phase should be triggered in a                  Z t+1 = S t + b t           (5)
           two-phase optimization scheme for VMP problems.  By  where:
           considering studied VMPr triggering methods (see Table  α:  Smoothing factor, where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1;
           1), three main approaches may be identified: (1) periodical,  τ:  Trend factor, where 0 ≤ τ ≤ 1;
           (2) threshold-based and (3) prediction-based. The following  Z t :  Known value of F(x, t) at discrete time t;
           sub-sections describe the VMPr triggering methods evaluated  S t :  Expected value of F(x, t) at discrete time t;
           in this work as part of a two-phase optimization scheme for  b t :  Trend of F(x, t) at discrete time t;
           VMP problems.                                      Z t+1 : Value of F(x, t + 1) predicted at discrete time t.
               Table 1 – Summary of studied triggering methods.
                                                              At each discrete time t, the prediction-based VMPr triggering
                      References      VMPr triggering         method predicts the next M values of F(x, t) and effectively
                  [4, 21, 6, 9, 5, 22, 19]  Periodically      triggers the VMPr phase in case F(x, t) is predicted to
                      [2, 18, 20]     Threshold-based         consistently increase, considering that F(x, t) is being
                         [14]         Prediction-based        minimized.

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