P. 17

walk, such as calcium signaling in cell tissues, neuron communication by means of neurotransmitters,
            and bacterial quorum sensing, include only the contribution of the Brownian stochastic force f. MC
            systems  based  on  drifted  random  walk,  such  as  MC  in  the  cardiovascular  system,  microfluidic
            systems, and pheromone communication between plants, include both f and a drift velocity vn(t) as
            function of the time t for each molecule n, which is independent of the Brownian motion. MC systems
            based on active transport, such as those based on molecular motors and bacteria chemotaxis, include
            instead a deterministic force Fn(t) added to f. For each of these categories of MC systems, and based
            on the aforementioned Langevin equation decomposition, we provide a general information capacity
            expression  under  simplifying  assumptions  and  subsequently  discuss  these  results  in  light  of  the
            functional blocks of more specific MC system models, including cases where a closed-form capacity
            expression cannot be analytically derived. This statistical-mechanics-based framework provides a
            common ground that not only allows existing researchers in this field to formalize their direction
            taken in the last decade in this high-level framework but also provides future researchers with a well-
            defined methodology to evaluate the performance of the existing and to-be-discovered MC systems.
            We believe this contribution will be foundational for this discipline on the way to standardization,
            and an important milestone for the engineering of future MC systems.
            MC promises to better understand communications in biological systems, and reciprocally develop
            biologically-inspired  approaches  for  communication  systems.  Since  it  provides  a  disruptive
            technology  based  on  interfacing  directly  with  living  cells  and  organisms  which  enables  an
            unprecedented way of reaching health information in the living body, which we believe will be at the
            core of next-generation ICT technologies for human health.

            *       This talk is based on the following three papers:
                1.  Akyildiz, I. F., Guler, U., Ozkaya-Ahmedov, T., Sarioglu, A. F., Unluturk, B. D., “PANACEA: An Internet of
                    Bio-NanoThings Application for Early Detection and Mitigation of Infectious Diseases,” submitted to IEEE
                    Access, 2019.
                2.  Akyildiz,  I.  F.,  Pierobon,  M.,  Balasubramaniam,  S.,  “An  Information  Theoretic  Framework  to  Analyze
                    Molecular Communication Systems Based on Statistical Mechanics,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 107, no. 7,
                    pp. 1230-1255, 2019.
                3.  Akyildiz, I. F., Pierobon, M., Balasubramaniam, S., and Koucheryavy, Y., "Internet of BioNanoThings,"
                    IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 32-40, March 2015.

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