P. 22

2019 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           [1]. All these characteristics match the requirements of  5G-assisted health systems is a more realistic choice. In
           ICT-assisted health systems perfectly. In 5G, massive  literature, the ICT-assisted health systems have been
           multi-input multi-output (MIMO) [6], non-orthogonal  discussed a lot. However, due to the current restrictions
           multiple access (NOMA) [7], and full duplex (FD) are  of latency, transmission speed and number of connected
           emerging technologies for these claimed targets.   devices, the telemedicine services are inefficient.
           The 5G and beyond wireless technologies provide    The 5G-enabled health systems, on the contrary, can
           perfect solutions to ICT-assisted health systems, which  solve these problems. The most promising technologies
           inspires 5G-enabled health systems. For example, with  of 5G being applied to the health systems is the URLLC.
           the help of ultra-reliable low latency communications  Additionally, the massive machine type communications
           (URLLC), a 5G-enabled ambulance can provide remote  (mMTC) and enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB)
           diagnosis and operation.  5G-enabled ambulance can  characteristics can further improve the experience of
           also automatically respond to an emergency call and  ICT-assisted health systems [7, 8].  As is known
           plan an optimal route in advance to save precious rescue  to all, compared to the fourth generation wireless
           time. Besides, URLLC is also a critical issue for remote  communications (4G), 5G aims to offer less than 1 ms
           surgery. Otherwise, the wound area will be big and  latency, more than 20 billion connected devices and up
           might cause some risks to the patient’s life. 5G’s large  to 1 Gb/s experienced transmission speed. All these
           volume real-time medical image transmission also makes  features make remote diagnosis and treatment a reality.
           remote expert consultation a reality.  Moreover, in
           general and specialist hospitals, patients or their escorts
                                                              2.1  5G-enabled      remote    diagnosis    and
           need to press the widely used emergency call-buttons to
           call the medical staff whenever an emergency happens.
           It is time-consuming and might even waste precious
           rescue time. The 5G-enabled monitoring systems, on                    vehicle
                                                                                       Remote diagnose
           the other hand, can reduce the consumed time and
           save the patient’s life especially in emergency conditions.   Remote treatment
           The 5G-enabled monitoring systems can also provide
           remote ward-round and real-time vital signs monitoring
           services.                                                                    Remote operation
                                                                  Remote diagnose  Community clinic
           In this study, we first discuss the solutions and introduce            and district hospital
           the demonstrations of our 5G-enabled health systems,                                      Remote consulation
                                                                                  5G network
           i.e.,  5G-enabled remote diagnosis and treatment,  Remote treatment
           5G-enabled remote surgery and 5G-enabled smart                                            Digital database
           monitoring.  Based on these works, we discuss the
           challenging issues and potential future research trends  Remote operation          Speciality and
           on implementing 5G-enabled health systems. The rest                                general hospital
           of this paper is organized as follows: we introduce the
           demonstration of 5G-enabled health systems in section
                                                              Figure 1 – 5G-enabled health systems for remote areas.
           2. The challenging issues on achieving the 5G-enabled
           health systems are discussed in section 3. Section 4  5G-enabled remote diagnosis and treatment is first
           is the future research trends. We finally conclude this  discussed.  As demonstrated in Figure 1, with 5G
           paper in section 5.                                network’s help, we can offer better service for remote
                                                              diagnosis and treatment to residents in remote areas.
           2.  SOLUTIONS OF 5G-ENABLED HEALTH                 We can also offer remote operations with 5G URLLC?s
                                SYSTEMS                       less than 1 ms latency.  On the other hand, the
                                                              district hospital and the general hospitals can mutually
           The specific demonstrations and implementations of  share the digital medical information. The automatic
           5G-enabled health systems in the first affiliated hospital  ambulance vehicles can respond to emergency calls
           of Zhengzhou University (FAHZZU) will be discussed  and provide in-vehicle remote diagnosis and treatment
           in this section. We categorize the 5G-enabled health  services with wireless connections to the hospitals.
           systems into three 5G-enabled remote diagnosis and  Figure 2 demonstrates remote diagnosis in FAHZZU.
           treatment, 5G-enabled remote surgery, and 5G-enabled  The remote community clinic is connected with
           smart monitoring.                                  FAHZZU via 5G wireless networks. In this case, the
           As mentioned before, currently there are less people  remote community clinic can share the high-quality
           living in remote areas as more people move to the big  medical resources from FAHZZU. According to our
           cities. In addition, most of the people living in remote  test, by leveraging the 5G’s fast transmission speed,
           areas are the elderly and the young that urgently need  the high-definition 1080P consultation video was
           the high-quality medical services. In order to eliminate  successfully transmitted. In our test, the downlink peak
           the difference between big cities and remote areas,  speed is about 1 Gb/s, 15 times that of the 4G wireless

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