P. 21

                                         FUTURE RESEARCH TRENDS

           Di Zhang ; Teng Zhang ; Yunkai Zhai 3,4 ; Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues 5,6 ; Dalong Zhang ; Zheng Wen ; Keping Yu ;
                                                       Takuro Sato 7
                                    School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University
                       Interventional Operating Theater, the First Affiliated Hosital of Zhengzhou University
                                   3 School of Management Engineering, Zhengzhou University
                      4 National Engineering Laboratory for Internet Medical Systems and Applications, China
                                          5 Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Brazil
                                           6 Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
                                                 7 Waseda University, Japan

                             ABSTRACT                         unrealistic to force medical doctors to move to remote
                                                              areas. It is also inhumane to force the people in remote
           In the literature, Information communication technology  areas to move to big cities. In this case, leveraging some
           (ICT)-assisted health systems have been intensively  technical methods will be a good choice, for instance,
           discussed.  However, it has seldom become a reality.  Information communication technologies (ICT)-assisted
           This is mainly due to the current wireless technologies’  health systems.
           limited transmission rate, few connected devices and
                                                              In literature, ICT-assisted health systems is not a new
           high latency. On the contrary, the fifth generation (5G)
                                                              topic. For example, the cloud computing paradigm for
           wireless communications can connect more devices,
                                                              e-health and the leak risks of patient’s sensitive health
           provide faster transmission rates and a lower latency.
                                                              information were discussed in [3]. The conclusion from
           In this article, we first introduce the 5G-enabled health
                                                              this study is that the precautions must be taken into
           systems and our specific implementation in the first
                                                              consideration before storing the sensitive data in the
           affiliated hospital of Zhengzhou University (FAHZZU).
                                                              cloud. In the study of [4], authors reviewed the diffusion
           Afterwards, the potential challenges and future research
                                                              of telemedicine and analyzed the factors influencing the
           trends on demonstrating the 5G-enabled health systems
                                                              diffusion. It was found that going back to 2007, residents
           are discussed.
                                                              and doctors in China living in remote areas mostly
                                                              had less knowledge about information technology (IT),
              Keywords - 5G, health systems, smart hospital,
                                                              and they were unwilling to use telemedicine [4].  It
                                                              was thus hard for the implementation of telemedicine
                                                              at that time period.   Authors suggested that a
                        1.  INTRODUCTION
                                                              comprehensive force from both central government and
           High-quality hospitals mostly locate in big cities,  local government, and various methods not only limited
           whereas the villages and remote areas lack such medical  to education and scientific popularization, were needed.
           institutions. The rapid siphon effect of big cities makes  On the other hand, authors in [5] demonstrated the
           the remote area’s health conditions even worse. With  real-time off-the-shelf integrated telemedicine devices
           technology advancing, the digital division between big  for emergency medical cases in Germany.
           cities and remote areas is getting bigger. The young and  Nowadays since ICT technologies have been widely
           middle-aged people can move to big cities, but it is hard  used, people has more positive attitude to telemedicine.
           for the elderly, ill and disabled people to do this.  However, wireless connections of existing ICT-assisted
           On   the  other  hand,  for  the  digital-technology  health systems are based on the previous wireless
           development such as fifth generation (5G) Internet of  technologies (for instance, long term evolution (LTE)
           things (IoT) [1] [2], most of our attention is confined  and Wi-Fi). Limited connected device number, lower
           to the big cities, and our effect is to deliver a faster  transmission rate and higher latency may be risky
           transmission speed, better cellular coverage and larger  issues for the implementation of ICT-assisted health
           number of connected devices for these dense area. Less  systems. On the other hand, as fifth generation (5G)
           attention has been paid to the remote areas. This is  and beyond has claimed, compared to LTE systems, it
           mainly due to its less potential revenue compared to  can connect more than 1000 times of the number of
           the potential revenue for more dense areas. It is the  devices, support more than 1000 times of the devices,
           society’s responsibility to provide people in remote areas  support more than 100 times the traffic volumes and
           with better health services. However, it is unfair and  provide 1 out of 10 latency performance (less than 1 ms)

           978-92-61-28401-5/CFP1968P-ART @ ITU 2019       – 1 –                                     Kaleidoscope
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