Page 19 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

               6G vision: An ultra-flexible perspective

               Pages 121-140
               Ahmet Yazar, Seda Doğan Tusha, Huseyin Arslan

               The upcoming sixth generation (6G) communications systems are expected to support an unprecedented
               variety of applications, pervading every aspect of human life. It is clearly not possible to fulfill the
               service requirements without actualizing a plethora of flexible options pertaining to the key enabler
               technologies themselves. At that point, this work presents an overview of the potential 6G key enablers
               from the flexibility perspective, categorizes them, and provides a general framework to incorporate
               them in the future networks. Furthermore, the role of artificial intelligence and integrated sensing and
               communications as key enablers of the presented framework is also discussed.

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               On the evolution of infrastructure sharing in mobile networks: A survey

               Pages 141-157
               Lorela Cano, Antonio Capone, Brunilde Sansò

               Infrastructure sharing for mobile networks has been a prolific research topic for more than three decades
               now.  The  key  driver  for  Mobile  Network  Operators  to  share  their  network  infrastructure  is  cost
               reduction. Spectrum sharing is often studied alongside infrastructure sharing although on its own it is a
               vast research topic outside the scope of this survey. Instead, in this survey we aim to provide a complete
               picture of infrastructure sharing both over time and in terms of research branches that have stemmed
               from it such as performance evaluation, resource management etc. We also put an emphasis on the
               relation between infrastructure sharing and the decoupling of infrastructure from services, wireless
               network virtualization and multi-tenancy in 5G networks. Such a relation reflects the evolution of
               infrastructure sharing over time and how it has become a commercial reality in the context of 5G.

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