Page 22 - ITU Journal, Future and evolving technologies - Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1, Inaugural issue
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 1 (2020), Issue 1

             and 236 nW power consumption as in a Bluetooth    be used as devices to ubiquitously tag “things” on a
             wakeup receiver [2]).                             large scale.

                                                               In summary, the BTTN paradigm utilizing DE or AE
                                                               can provide a common medium or language for direct
            Passive Receiver(PR)  Tag  Tag  Tag     Tag        jects of the IoT irrespective of cost, volume or density
                                                               peer-to-peer communication between all constituent ob-
                        Backscattering Tag-to-Tag Networks (BTTN)
                                                               of object population. In a sense, the excitation source
                                                               in BTTN can be thought of as simply illuminating an
                                                               area, and the tags can “see” each other in this “light.”
                                                               Whether the illumination comes from a natural source
                                                               (AE approach) or a light bulb (DE approach), the com-
                                                               munication between the tags is unaltered.
            Active Receiver(AR)  Active Rx.  Bistatic  Ambient   Tag  1.1 Scalability and practical implications of
              Exciter +
                                                                     the AE approach
                                                               Generally, AE backscatter systems are considered to be
                                                               extremely scalable because they can theoretically en-
               Dedicated Exciter(DE)   Ambient Exciter(AE)     able communication without any deployment. However,
                                                               there are important practical considerations that can
                                                               adversely affect this in a real-world IoT deployment.
          Fig. 1 – Classification of backscatter systems. All such systems
          contain a backscattering transmitter (Tag). They are classified  • AEAR systems: There are widespread efforts in the
          based on the source of excitation signal and the type of receiver
          employed.                                                literature on these systems. The systems are based
                                                                   on the idea of building passive tags that can use
          Combining the above criteria, we classify all backscatter  ambient excitation to synthesize backscatter pack-
          systems into four types as follows:                      ets that are compatible with commodity standards
                                                                   such as WiFi, Bluetooth or ZigBee [4, 5, 7]. A
          (i) Dedicated Exciter Active Receiver (DEAR) [3],        corresponding commodity receiver can then receive
                                                                   this signal and communicate with the tag. This
          (ii) Ambient Exciter Active Receiver (AEAR) [4, 5, 6,    approach significantly complicates the transmit cir-
             7],                                                   cuitry on the tag. Further, such tags can only be
                                                                   built to synthesize one kind of backscatter pack-
          (iii) Dedicated Exciter Passive Receiver (DEPR) [8, 9,   ets using one kind of excitation signal. Under this
             10], and                                              approach, the tags cannot communicate with each

          (iv) Ambient Exciter Passive Receiver (AEPR) [11].       other.
                                                                 • AEPR systems:    These systems fall under the
          This classification is shown in Fig. 1. As pointed out   BTTN umbrella.   While this, in theory, enables
          in [12], DEAR systems can be either monostatic where     maximum scalability, it is important to note the
          the exciter and receiver functions are on the same device  ambient power level requirement. As shown in [13],
          (e.g., traditional RFID) or bistatic with these functions  in order to enable a practical link distance, the re-
          being on different devices.                              quired power level is of the order of −25 dBm. Most

          We focus specifically on passive receiver (PR) backscat-  ambient excitation signals in general indoor envi-
          ter systems which form the basis of the so-called        ronments from various sources including TV tow-
          Backscattering Tag-to-Tag Networks or (BTTNs). PR        ers, cell phone towers or WiFi APs are far below
          backscatter systems present fundamentally different      this value.
          challenges than AR backscatter systems. The challenges
          stem from the need to passively receive the backscat-  Thus, a practical implementation of BTTN might in-
          ter signals in the presence of the interfering excitation  variably call for a dedicated exciter. However, such an
          with only an envelope detector. However, if these chal-  exciter is simply an autonomous, RF transmitter that
          lenges are overcome, then BTTN can fundamentally     is not part of the communication network and does not
          transform the capabilities of the IoT by enabling all pas-  centralize the tag-to-tag communications (refer to the
          sively tagged “things” to talk directly with each other  light bulb analogy above).  Furthermore, the BTTN
          without any central active controller or master. In AR  backscatter modulator is designed for tag-to-tag com-
          systems whether of DEAR or AEAR variety, this capa-  munication as opposed to tag to commodity receiver
          bility is impractical since the high cost and high power-  communication. This keeps the “language” and thereby
          requirement of active receivers means that they cannot  the design of the transmitter much simpler. Unlike the

          2                                  © International Telecommunication Union, 2020
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