Page 93 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          of compressed video sequences employed in this study.   [8]  N. Ponomarenko, O. Eremeev, V. Lukin, K. Egiazarian,

          Moreover, as noted in Sec.1.1, the per-block sensitivity   and M. Carli, “Modified image visual quality metrics

          weight   of (5) or    of (9) can be used to easily adapt  for contrast change and mean shift accounting,” in

          the quantization parameter (QP) in traditional coders     Proc. CADSM, Polyana-Svalyava, pp. 305–311, 2011.
          to the instantaneous input characteristics, without ha-
                                                               [9]  P. Gupta, P. Srivastava, S. Bhardwaj, and V. Bhateja, “A
          ving to rely on     [13]–[15],[17]–[19],[39]. Specifically,
                                                                    modified  PSNR  metric  based  on  HVS  for  quality
                                                                    assessment of color images,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.

                  QP = QP − round 3 ∙ log             (17)          on Commun. & Industr. Applic., Kolkata, IN, Dec. 2011.

                                                               [10]  P.  Philippe,  W.  Hamidouche,  J.  Fournier,  and  J.  Y.
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          this beneficial aspect, along with the incorporation of   [11]  N. Sidaty, W. Hamidouche, P. Philippe, J. Fournier, and
          chroma-component and/or high dynamic range (HDR)          O. Deforges, “Compression Performance of the Ver-
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                                                               [12]  Z. Li, “VMAF: The Journey Continues,” in Proc. Mile
          9.  ACKNOWLEDGMENT
                                                                    High Video Workshop, Denver, 2019, link: http://mil
          The authors thank Pierrick Philippe (formerly B-Com)
          for helping to calculate the VQA values on the VTM and
                                                               [13]  S. Bosse, C. R. Helmrich, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T.
          HM coded videos of the comparative test published in      Wiegand,  “Perceptually  optimized  QP  adaptation
          [10],[11] and Sören Becker for assistance in the collec-  and  associated  distortion  measure,”  doc.  JVET-
          tion of the correlation values and the creation of Fig. 4.
                                                                    H0047, Macau, CN, Oct./Dec. 2017.
                                                               [14]  C. R. Helmrich, H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wie-
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