Page 23 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          Santa  J. et al.  [36] proposed a framework called  MI‑   problem. However, in this solution, the authors assumed

          GRATE to provide an ef icient and seamless handover of   edge servers are homogeneous, that is, they have the
          application services to mobile devices and support UEs’   same computational resources power, and it is not not

          operations. MIGRATE leverages MEC’s capabilities  and   the case in practical environments; thus, this approach
          the dynamic creation of virtual mobile devices to perform   is limited to an environment with a homogeneous setting.
          data processing and caching given the limited capabilities

          of physical mobile devices, and allow mobile devices to   Lee, Daewon, et al.  [38] proposed an MCC proxy‑

          maintain  MEC services while moving to a new network   based architecture to improve link performance between

                                                               mobile hosts and an algorithm to optimize bandwidth
          domain with virtualisation capabilities.  To provide MEC
                                                               usage. The proxy‑based algorithm includes three parts,
          services closer to mobile devices, the authors considered
                                                               which are denoted as initial part, proxy election part,

          edge virtualization  domains, in which mobile devices

                                                               and sub‑proxy election part. In the article, the network

          are deployed and whose data  is updated using a local

                                                               congestion problem is solved by improving the link
          access to a cluster‑based database. Then, the services are
                                                               performance using proxy as a cache server. The proxy

          deployed in the cloud domain as virtual  functions, and
                                                               server is selected based on four parameters, which in‑

          the devices continuously pass on data  to the platform

                                                               clude the type of host, the state of the host, the hardware
          thanks to an SDN switch that is used as an entry point to
                                                               performance of the host and the available amount of
          the wired network.  The migration of services from one
                                                               concurrent connections.  These four parameters are

          access point to another is instantiated  when the switch

          detects a packet coming from  the same mobile device   constantly checked by the proxy manager to perform

          address to a new port; when  this happens, the switch   proxy selection. Also, information from network layer

          reports it to the SDN controller, which either re‑routes   3 is used to select the optimal access network.  The

          the tr  ic towards the initial  mobile device or requests   following information is required to  ind the appropriate

          the preparation of a new virtualization domain to host   access network: the state of the network, the hop count

          a new virtual  mobile device that  inherits the behavior   to the selected proxy, the highest capacity of the network,

          and characteristics of the initial one. After that, the SDN   the expected network load and the location or the depth
          waits for a noti ication con irming the completion of the   of network hierarchy.

          action to establish a new route in the switch and send

          data through the new virtual mobile device. This solution   A cooperative edge caching approach to reduce de‑
          can be further extended to reduce the latency of service   lays in clustered mobile networks by optimizing content
          migration and use an SDN multi‑controller solution.  placement, small cell base stations, and bandwidth allo‑
                                                               cation in large‑scale user‑centric mobile networks based
                                                               on the stochastic network information, was proposed

          4.2  Edge server and base station placement

                                                               by [29]. The proposed solution solves two problems,
                                                               the problem of content placement and that of small
                                                               cell base stations clustering. The article considered a
          To solve the edge server placement problem in MCC,   homogeneous mobile network with edge caching, where
          Wang et al. [37] proposed a solution that uses mixed in‑  content is partially or completely stored at each small
          teger programming to determine the optimal placement  cell base stations after being coded into segments, the
          location of the edge. The problem was  irst formulated as  user is served by a cluster of candidate base stations after
          a multi‑objective restraint optimization that incorporates  raising a content request. The mobile device seeks coded
          edge servers in some appropriate locations to stabilize  segments from candidate base stations in increasing
          the workloads of edge servers and minimize the access  order of transmission distance, if the requested content
          latency. In the article, the authors considered a network  is cached. Also, in case where the segments obtained
          G with a set    ,    ,    , … ,    of    edge servers to be  from the caches of all candidate base stations are not
          placed in    optimal places; the edge server executes  suf icient to decode the segments, the closest base station
          all the tasks assigned to the base stations, that is, the  will fetch the rest of the bases from remote servers via
          amount of requests performed by mobile users at each  backhaul, and send them to the user through wireless
          base station    ∈   . The locations must be chosen in such  transmission. If the requested content is not stored in
          a way that the workloads are balanced, and the access  cache, the nearest SBS will fetch the whole content from
          delay reduced, taking into consideration the following  remote servers.
          constraints: No two edge servers share the same base sta‑
          tion, each base station is co‑located with an edge server  Guo et al. [39] proposed a solution to the edge placement
          which will execute all mobile user task requests from the  problem in order to optimally allocate workload to edge
          base station. The weighting sum method was adopted   clouds and minimize communication latency between the
          in this solution to change the problem of edge server  edge server and mobile devices. The proposed approach
          placement into a signal objective optimization problem  is based on K‑means and mixed‑integer quadratic pro‑
          with a Pareto optimal solution which is obtained by trans‑  gramming; to solve this problem, the authors considered
          forming the multi‑objective into a single optimization  a mobile edge network including several base stations
                                             © International Telecommunication Union, 2021                     9
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