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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          task  based on the load ratio of each provider, and                    apply

          task scheduling, which initializes  main parameters, and    reinforcement learning techniques to protect edges

          uses  the  precedent  parts  of  the  algorithm  to   ind  the   from   ing, malware,  jamming,  and eavesdropping
          best ob‑ jective function for each task.  The main issue   attacks that might occur during data of loading to edges
          associated  with  this  solution  is  the  fact  that  it  is  a   nodes. The radiocommunication channels of edges nodes

          static  algorithm and it is suitable for batch scheduling   are vulnerable  to attacks  launched from the physical

          only.                                                layer or Medium Access Control (MAC) layers during data

                                                                 loading in MCC environment. Most of the solutions
          Li    et    al.   [50]    proposed    a    computation   include the use of Q‑learning to prevent attacks; the main
          partitioning technique to improve the performance of    reason is the fact that Q‑learning‑based security schemes

          big data  en‑  vironments in MCC. In this technique,    do not require any prior knowledge of the network, they

          two  computation partitions are considered; the   irst    apply the iterative Bellman equation to update Q‑values,

          one is responsible for monitoring the changes in     and only use two  parameters, which are the learning

          resources including bandwidth,  CPU, etc., while the    rate and the discount factor, to control their learning

          other    partition    deter‑  mines    the    computation   performance. Nonetheless, security schemes based on

          location  where a given task  should  be  executed.    Q‑learning  require exploring all  the possible states and

          The main goal of this methodology is to enhance the    pairs of actions before signi icantly changing the network

          application  performance on UE by  improving the     policies, resulting in a slower reaction in case of an

          computation  partitioning decision.    For  this, it  is   imminent attack.

          important  to   ind  an  ef icient  way  to  solve  the
          single‑frame    execution    time    problem,    then    Nguyen et al.  [53] proposed a method based on deep

          establish  the partitioning scheme for multi‑frame    learning to prevent and detect cyberattacks  in MCC: a

          execution, as  the single‑frame execution alone is    training dataset is used to train the neural networks of

            icient. These calculations depend on the network   the framework that  implements the technique of line,

          bandwidth and the changes in the environment of the    then, once the model is ready, it is integrated in the

          system. The model includes  three  types  of  tasks  that   MCC environment to detect and prevent attacks  online.

          are local,  transferring and cloud tasks.  A graph is used   The model involves two major phases which are feature

          to  represent  the  tasks’  data   low,  and  the  adjacency   analysis and learning process. Feature analysis includes
          matrix of the graph is used to perform task  selection.    the extraction and examination of abnormal attributes in

          For the single‑frame task  execution problem, the    the dataset  to identify traits associated with malicious

            icient partitioning scheme  is determined by a     packets,  and dimensionality reduction using the Prin‑

          Genetic Algorithm (GA) due to its  strong search     cipal  Component Analysis (PCA) technique to remove

          capabilities.  Additional optimization and adjustments    irrelevant features or attributes that are not needed for

          are performed to settle  the total  execution  time of    the detection of attacks.  The learning process comprises

          multi‑frame data.  However, for this solution to  be    three types of layers including the input  layer, some

          effective, data‑frames congestion, instability  of data   hidden layers and the output  layer. The features are

          during transfer, and limitation  of resources should   fed directly to the input  layer; then, a Gaussian Binary

          be considered.                                       Restricted Boltzmann Machine (GRBM) is used to convert

                                                               them into binary codes, which are used in  the hidden

          4.5  Solutions for data security and privacy         layers. A series of learning steps are performed to adjust

                                                               the weights of each layer.    However, only theoretical

          Qiu,  Tie,  et  al.  [51]  proposed  SIGMM,  a  machine   evaluation of the model was performed, even though high
          learning  algorithm  for  spammer  identi ication  in   accuracy was obtained, the model was not evaluated in a
          industrial  MCC.  The  framework  makes  use  of  data,   practical and real time environment.
          where  each  user  node  is   ied into one class in

          the construction process  of the model, the data     To improve the   iciency of encryption and decryp‑

          includes the relationship with  other  users,  user’s   tion schemes in MCC and make them suitable for mobile

          identi ication,  the  time‑stamped  post record, and the    devices, Zhang et al.  [52] introduced a system archi‑

          activity in the past  three months.    A  Pearson    tecture of anonymous attribute‑based  access control in

          correlation  coef icient  and  Principal  Component   mobile cloud computing,  a decryption method called
          Analysis    (PCA)    were    employed    to    characterize    match‑then‑decrypt where a matching phase is added

          different  features   and    model    the    parameters    before the decryption phase. The technique involves a

          accurately. SIGMM   its  the  behavior  data  of  regular   basic anonymous Cyphertext Policy ‑ Attribute‑Based

          users  and  spammers,  in  which  the  behavior  data  of   Encryption (CP‑ABE) construction and the procurement
          ordinary  users  and  spammers  are mixed by random    of security‑enhanced extension using the reasonable

          sampling.  However, this solution  is  not  suitable  for   Canetti–Halevi–Katz technique based on one‑time signa‑
          large networks  since the algorithm  is based on     tures. In Canetti –Halevi –Katz transformation, a test can

          binary   ication, the types of users are varied and    be made during the decryption process before complet‑

          complex  in large networks and thus more than  two   ing it and the subsequent decryption is completed if and

          categories    are    required    to    classify    the    nodes
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