Page 26 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          4.4 Latency minimization through load bal‑           it relies on dynamic creation and withdrawal of replicas
               ancing and of loading                           guided by continuous monitoring of data requests coming
                                                               from edge nodes of the underlying network. The pro‑
          To reduce high data traf ic in edge networks, Zhao et  posed algorithm uses geographicallocation of data during
          al. [46] proposed a solution based on their Enumera‑  the distribution process resulting from the plethora of
          tion based Optimal Placement Algorithm (EOPA) and    ordinary data requests that stem from the clients within
          Divide‑and‑Conquer based Near Optimal Placement      surroundings. The cost of storing replicas as well as
          Algorithm (DCNOPA) to ef iciently distribute virtual  expected delay improvement to make a migration or
          machine replica copies (VRCs) of applications to the  duplication decision to one of the neighboring nodes
          edge network.  In this solution, a graph   (   ,   ) is  is evaluated through the algorithm, which also enables
          used to model the physical edge network.  The    in  users to handle the balance between cost minimization
          the graph is de ined as {   = {  ,    = 1, 2, … , ∣    ∣}  and delay optimization. Also, a replica discovery method
          and represents the set of edge servers, and    the set of  where the important nodes are identi ied and noti ied of
          connections between edge servers with the assumption  replica creations or removals is provided by the proposed
          that all mobile users are assigned in the edge network  work. The algorithm is complemented with a replica
          randomly. Also, the assignment of virtual machines is  discovery method where concerned nodes are noti ied of
          done according to the following constraints: each virtual  nearby replicas. On the other hand, experimental results
          machine replica of an application can only be associated  show that communication overhead and miscommuni‑
          with one edge server, similarly, each edge server only  cation errors caused by replica placement and discovery
          holds one virtual machine replica of an application.  are not signi icant, which is not always true.  Also,
          The optimal placement algorithm  inds the placement  the proposed solution is not appropriate for real‑time
             = {     ,   , ∀   ∈    , ∀   ∈   } among all potential place‑  systems, which require real‑time performance guarantee.
          ments of    VRCs, to obtain a reduced data traf ic for each
          request by considering all potential placement cases for  A task scheduling algorithm for MCC based on a heuristic
             VRCs, and computing the average data traf ic for each  ant colony optimization algorithm was proposed by
          placement case.  The divide‑and‑conquer based near   Wang et al. [49], taking into consideration four types of
          optimal placement algorithm divides all edge servers  time constrained tasks, adapting to several MCC elements
          into    clusters and deploys only one VRC for each cluster,  such as Cloudlet, mobile device cloud and incorporating
          thus reducing the original problem of  inding    VMs to  a variety of objectives including ef icient load balancing,
          a problem of determining an ef icient placement for one  minimization of energy consumption, and improvement
          virtual machine replica in each cluster, which reduces its  of reliability and pro it.  The proposed algorithm is
          complexity considerably.                             embedded in a system that involves a task tracker, which
                                                               is responsible for gathering resource consumption and
          Mobile data of loading schemes based on a Finite     of loaded tasks information and using the algorithm to
          Horizon Markov Decision Process (FHMDP) to reduce    determine which task should be executed on a given
          the communication cost for delivering mobile data with  service provider.  It considers four phases or models
          different latency sensitivities through several wireless  for the resolution of the task scheduling problem. The
          networks were proposed by Dongqing and al.[47], where  task graph model involves a set of interactive tasks
          FHMDP plans data of loading decisions at each decision  represented by a graph    = (   ,   ) with    representing
          epoch. In the model, mobile data is initially delivered to  tasks nodes and    the relationships between them, with
          one or more device through cellular and Wi‑Fi networks.  a  low that includes tree structure, independent node,
          The data being sent from the cloud environment is    regular mesh structure and linear chain topology. The
          divided into a sequence of data units, which are pre‑  communication model incorporates the channel state
          determined by the mobile network operator. Also, the  determined by the channel gain and classi ied as good or
          access point station that carries a copy of the data can  bad depending on a given threshold, the communication
          transmit it to the user using D2D communication. The  delay de ined as the ratio of the length of each task
          approach was embedded in a hybrid of loading algorithm  over the channel state. The execution model includes
          that can support different delay requirements with lower  mobile execution phase that considers the computational
          computational complexity.  The algorithm computes    resource consumption and execution time of each task
          the optimal policy through three phases: initialization,  de ined by the computing capacity of the device and the
          planning and of loading. The expected number of mobile  task length, and completion time phase that sums up the
          access points in different locations is calculated in the  different execution delays of the task. The task scheduling
          initialization phase and is used to indicate the availability  model considers reduction of resource consumption and
          of D2D action in the planning phase, the of loading action  pro it maximization for users. The algorithm is divided
          at each decision epoch is determined in the last phase.  into three parts, known as task selection, which selects
                                                               each task to be executed based on the relative pheromone
          Aral, Atakan, et al.  [48] proposed an algorithm for  ratio, service provider selection, which is responsible for
          distributed data dissemination and replicas across IaaS;  selecting the provider that should execute the selected

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