Page 29 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

                                          • A Finite Markov Decision Process was proposed to minimize the communication cost
                                          for delivering mobile data with different delay sensitivities through multiple wireless net‑
                                          works and manage replicas by monitoring data requests.
                                          • A Task tracker approach was proposed that can gather resource consumption and of‑
                                           loaded tasks information and determines which task should be executed on a given ser‑
                                          vice provider.
                               Technique  Machine  Learning,  cryptography,  • Not suitable for large networks
                                          deep learning, Gaussian Binary Re‑  since the algorithm is based on
                                          stricted Boltzmann Machine, etc.
                                                                         binary classi ication.
                                                                         • Requires exploring all the possibles
                                                                         states and pairs of actions.
                                                                         • Model not evaluated in practical
           Data Security &                                               and real time environment.
           Privacy                                                       • Not suitable for  ile sharing systems.
           [11, 51, 52, 53, 54]  Description  • Machine learning algorithms were applied for spammer identi ication in industrial MCC.
                                          • Reinforcement learning techniques, especially Q‑learning, were applied to protect edges
                                          from spoo ing, malware, jamming, and eavesdropping attacks that might occur during data
                                          of loading to edges nodes.
                                          • Deep learning‑based solutions were applied to prevent and detect cyberattacks in MCC
                                          • Encryption and decryption techniques were proposed to achieve data security.
                                          • Match‑then‑decrypt technique was proposed in which a matching phase is added before
                                          the decryption phase, to improve encryption and decryption in security schemes.
                                          • A data encryption solution was proposed between mobile devices and private and public
                                          clouds environments.

                                                               is  irst encrypted by the mobile device using the private

         only if the test passes, which is more suitable  for per‑

                                                               cloud’s public  key, and sent to the private cloud, which

         forming matching before decryption.  The transformation
                                                               decrypts it using its own private key and performs user’s

         is applied to obtain  a chosen cyphertext (CCA2) secure

                                                               authentication.  When the authentication  is completed,

         extension. The whole architecture is embedded in the

         four algorithms of the anonymous attribute‑based access   the mobile device partially  computes the cipher text

         control system known  as Setup, KeyGen, AnonEncrypt,   of the remaining data  block  by block  using the private

         AnonDecrypt. The matching phase returns the symbol    cloud’s public key and sends it to the private cloud, which

         to  terminate  decryption  with  overwhelming  probability,   completes the remainder of the encryption and decrypts

         it  ends  with  the  initiation  of  the  next  decryption  phase;   it using its private key. A data    ingerprint is generated

         the  decryption  phase  returns  the  original  message. The   for every metadata  block,  which is sent to the public

         solution focuses on decryption because the full  decryp‑   cloud from the private cloud; the public  cloud decrypts

         tion cost linearly increases with the complexity of access   the message using its private key and performs data

         policies.                                             authentication,  if the authentication  is successful, the

                                                               public  cloud sends back  an acknowledgment  message.

         With  the same vision of enhancing data  security in   The proposed scheme enhances the con identiality of the

         an  MCC  environment,  Yang  et al.   [54] proposed an     iles and the security of the encryption key. However,

                                                               with this method, only the data  owner can access the

         encryption scheme known  as File Remotely keyed En‑

                                                                ile  which  is  not  suitable  for   ile  sharing  systems. Table

         cryption and Data  Protection (FREDP)that performs

                                                               1 gives a qualitative overview of different solutions with
         data encryption between mobile devices and private and
         public  cloud environments.    In the proposed scheme,   their proposed techniques and their shortcomings.

         the computation  resources of private clouds are used

                                                               5.   OPEN CHALLENGES AND ISSUES

         to remotely encrypt mobile devices data; however, the

         encryption key is not shared with the private cloud envi‑
                                                               Most  of  the  challenges  existing  in  the  MCC  environment

         ronment  which  performs  data  integrity    ication; the

                                                               today are associated with reducing latency, increasing

         encrypted data  is encrypted by block  then shared with

                                                               bandwidth,  achieving  uninterrupted  communication  be‑

         the public  cloud to store it. To enforce security in high

                                                               tween a mobile device and the cloud environment with in‑

           ic systems, the mobile devices and private clouds

                                                               termittent  connectivity,  assuring  constant  network  avail‑
         are assumed to have shared authentication key pairs and   ability and heterogeneity, providing data access ef iciency
         public  keys of each other. User’s sensitive information

                                                               and security and privacy during exchange of data,  and

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