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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          [43] Q. B. Hani and J. P. Dichter, “Energy‑ef icient service‑  [55] Z. Sanaei, S. Abolfazli, A. Gani, and R. Buyya, “Het‑
              oriented architecture for mobile cloud handover,”     erogeneity in mobile cloud computing: taxonomy
              Journal of Cloud Computing, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1–13,  and open challenges,” IEEE Communications Surveys
              2017.                                                 & Tutorials, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 369–392, 2013.
          [44] J. Ren, G. Yu, Y. Cai, Y. He, and F. Qu, “Partial of load‑
              ing for latency minimization in mobile‑edge com‑
              puting,” in GLOBECOM 2017‑2017 IEEE Global Com‑  AUTHORS
              munications Conference, pp. 1–6, IEEE, 2017.
                                                                                    Pagoui   Lagabka   Constant
          [45] V. Nguyen, T. T. Khanh, T. Z. Oo, N. H. Tran, E.‑N. Huh,             received his bachelor degree
              and C. S. Hong, “Latency minimization in a fuzzy‑                     in electrical engineering tech‑
              based mobile edge orchestrator for iot applications,”                 nology from Kennesaw State
              IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 84–                  University, Georgia, USA, in
              88, 2020.
                                                                                    2017. He is currently pursuing
          [46] L. Zhao, J. Liu, Y. Shi, W. Sun, and H. Guo, “Optimal                the Master of Science degree in
              placement of virtual machines in mobile edge com‑                     computer science at Kennesaw
              puting,” in GLOBECOM 2017‑2017 IEEE Global Com‑                       State University.  He is also a
              munications Conference, pp. 1–6, IEEE, 2017.                          Graduate Research Assistant,
                                                               his research interests include arti icial intelligence,
          [47] D. Liu, L. Khoukhi, and A. Ha id, “Prediction‑based  mobile edge computing, and software de ined networks.
              mobile data of loading in mobile cloud comput‑
              ing,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,                   Ahyoung Lee received her M.S.,
              vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 4660–4673, 2018.                                  and Ph.D. degrees in computer
                                                                                    science and engineering from
          [48] A. Aral and T. Ovatman, “A decentralized replica                     the University of Colorado, Den‑
              placement algorithm for edge computing,” IEEE                         ver, in 2006 and 2011, respec‑
              transactions on network and service management,                       tively.  She was a postdoc‑
              vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 516–529, 2018.
                                                                                    toral fellow at Georgia Institute
          [49] T. Wang, X. Wei, C. Tang, and J. Fan, “Ef icient multi‑              of Technology in the BWN Lab
              tasks scheduling algorithm in mobile cloud comput‑                    under the supervision of Prof.
              ing with time constraints,” Peer‑to‑Peer Networking                   Ian F. Akyildiz with a research
              and Applications, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 793–807, 2018.                  project focused on Software De‑
                                                                ined Networking (SDN) from 2013 to 2015. Currently,
          [50] J. Li, L. Huang, Y. Zhou, S. He, and Z. Ming, “Compu‑  she is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Com‑
              tation partitioning for mobile cloud computing in a  puter Science at the Kennesaw State University. Her cur‑
              big data environment,” IEEE Transactions on Indus‑  rent research interest focuses on modeling and analysis
              trial Informatics, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 2009–2018, 2017.
                                                               with applications in SDN, mobile wireless network, cyber‑
          [51] T. Qiu, H. Wang, K. Li, H. Ning, A. K. Sangaiah, and  physical systems, sensor networks, future Internet archi‑
              B. Chen, “Sigmm: A novel machine learning algo‑  tecture for improving Big Data centers, Internet of Things
              rithm for spammer identi ication in industrial mo‑  (IoT), and Internet‑centric technologies in the cloud for
              bile cloud computing,” IEEE Transactions on Indus‑  network management.
              trial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 2349–2359, 2018.
                                                                                    Donghyun Kim received his
          [52] Y. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Li, D. S. Wong, H. Li, and I. You,             Ph.D. degree in Computer Sci‑
              “Ensuring attribute privacy protection and fast de‑                   ence from the University of
              cryption for outsourced data security in mobile                       Texas at Dallas, Richardson,
              cloud computing,” Information Sciences, vol. 379,                     TX, USA in May 2010.     He
              pp. 42–61, 2017.                                                      received a Master of Science
                                                                                    degree in Computer Science
          [53] K. K. Nguyen, D. T. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang,                       and Engineering from Hanyang
              D. Nguyen, and E. Dutkiewicz, “Cyberattack detec‑
              tion in mobile cloud computing: A deep learning ap‑                   University,  South  Korea  in
              proach,” in 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and                     Feb. 2005 and B.S. degree in
              Networking Conference (WCNC), pp. 1–6, IEEE, 2018.  Electronic and Computer Engineering from Hanyang
                                                               University, Ansan, South Korea in Feb. 2003. Dr. Kim is
          [54] L. Yang, Z. Han, Z. Huang, and J. Ma, “A remotely  an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
              keyed  ile encryption scheme under mobile cloud  Science at Georgia State University (GSU), Atlanta, GA,
              computing,” Journal of Network and Computer Appli‑  USA since August 2020. Before joining GSU, Dr. Kim was
              cations, vol. 106, pp. 90–99, 2018.              an Assistant/Associate Professor (July 2016 ‑ June 2020)

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