Page 36 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          cess. The above works on optimal D2D cache placement  the increasing number of users. In the distributed discov‑
          are assumed to be implemented in a centralized manner.  ery , users have to cope with the discovery process on
          Moreover, these works did not address user and content  their own, without any external assistance. It does not re‑
          discovery, which is an important aspect of D2D commu‑  quire network coverage but is ineffective in the resource
          nications.                                           utilization.

          Clustering is an important concept in ad hoc networks. It  In the literature, several studies cover device and service
          is used in order to group nearby users into a cluster and  discovery. Authors have proposed a clustering algorithm
          designate a cluster head, in order to facilitate distributed  and a two‑step discovery procedure that aims to reduce
          network functions. Clustering can be utilized in D2D com‑  signaling overhead and enables simultaneous discovery
          munications in order to implement practical cache place‑  in [32] but cache placement and content delivery issues
          ment and content delivery schemes. In the literature clus‑  are foreclosed. In [35] a hybrid scheme has been pro‑
          tering in D2D communications is utilized in order to use  posed in D2D, which includes a directdiscovery phase and
          some devices as cluster heads (CH) that relay data com‑  network‑assisted data communication phase for proxim‑
          ing to and from the base station. Clustering methods pro‑  ity services. In the discovery phase, authentication and
          posed in [24] and [25] are based on merge and split op‑  authorization are provided by the operator initially upon
          erations and they can be implemented in a centralized  D2D request. The authors also stated that the network‑
          manner. Authors in [26] proposed a clustering scheme  assisted D2D communication phase satis ies users’ pri‑
          that is within the con ines of LTE standards. Users de‑  vacy and security concerns. Another hybrid scheme is
          tect their neighbors and report list of their neighbors to  presented in [36] that aims improvement both in energy
          the BS. Then the BS forms clusters based on the neigh‑  consumption and latency compared to direct discovery.
          borhood information. In [27, 28, 29] the authors propose  In [37] an Evolved Packet Core (EPC) assisted discovery
          centralized clustering methods that are based on social as  approach has been considered, where users activate their
          well as physical layer attributes. In [30] cluster heads are  D2D capabilities in speci ic areas after invoked by BS to
          used as relays of scheduling requests in order to allevi‑  increase the success rate and energy ef iciency. An eNB
          ate the congestion at the physical random access channel  assisted discovery and D2D link setup procedure is pro‑
          (PRACH). Cluster head selection is randomized and clus‑  posed in [38] and performance is evaluated in terms of
          ter formation is distributed. The work in [31] utilizes dis‑  energy consumption and delay. Centralized and semi‑
          tributed clustering for vehicular networks. In the above‑  centralized D2D discovery algorithms are introduced and
          mentioned works, caching was not considered. Recent  compared in terms of required time slots to discover all
          works such as [32] and [33] did not consider cache place‑  new D2D pairs in the cell in [39]. In [40] two device dis‑
          ment, but proposed clustering schemes based on cached  covery schemes have been proposed for centralized and
          content, as well as social and physical layer attributes.  autonomous D2D networks that aim to reduce power con‑
                                                               sumption and signaling overhead. The authors also claim
          The above‑mentioned works reveal that clustering is a
                                                               that the proposed schemes are applicable for cache en‑
          useful technique and it’s been utilized for various goals
                                                               abled D2D networks. Contrary, in [41] users can discover
          in LTE‑based D2D transmission literature. The authors in
                                                               each other not only directly but also via forwarding nodes.
          [34] were the  irst ones to jointly address D2D clustering  To overcome excessive energy consumption in direct dis‑
          and cache placement. They proposed an algorithm that  covery procedures of Wi‑Fi Direct Technology, authors
          clusters helper (caching) nodes and then allocates con‑  proposed an LTE network assisted peer discovery [42].
          tent in each cluster member in a way that maximizes of‑
           loading and performs very close to the optimal solution.  As mentioned formerly, LTE Direct is the only technology
          However, none of the above‑mentioned considered cache  that enables D2D communication in the cellular spectrum
          placement jointly with the required content/user discov‑  (also known as in‑band D2D). Two discovery schemes
          ery operations.                                      have been de ined in the technical speci ication docu‑
                                                               ments of the LTE Direct [43]. In the Network Assisted
          A crucial point in D2D communications is the discovery  scheme, UserEquipments (UEs)that havebeen registered
          operation which might denote device, content, and ser‑  for D2D communication are warned about proximate de‑
          vice discovery. Regardless of the purpose of discovery,  vices. On the other hand, in the Direct Discovery, UEs
          these operations cause messaging overhead and interfer‑  send discovery beacons to discover other UE and proxim‑
          ence induces outages in networks with high user den‑  ity services in an unabetted way.
          sity. Therefore, discovery in D2D communication has to
          be handled wisely [4]. Discovery operation could be done  1.1 Contributions
          in a centralized or distributed manner. In the network‑
          assisted discovery, the BS or another centralized entity  Apart from the existing literature, in this paper a compre‑
          that possesses the network information provides proxim‑  hensive study on D2D communication, which covers most
          ity information, channel state information, resource allo‑  of the key aspects of D2D technology such as user cluster‑
          cation information to the users. However, it requires net‑  ing, cache placement, discovery, advertisement, and re‑
          work coverage and computational complexity along with  source utilization are presented.

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