Page 37 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
P. 37

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          At  irst, we are reminded of the previously proposed  In the model network, all users are moving according to
          Distance Based Clustering Algorithm (DBCA) and Hier‑  the Random Direction Mobility Model (RDMM) [45]. In
          archical Caching Algorithm (HCA) [34, 44]. DBCA aims  RDMM users move towards a random direction with a
          to form maximal cliques and boost cooperation among  random speed until they reach the boundary of the area.
          Helper Users (HUs). Moreover, HCA provides effective  At the edge of the boundary users bounce back to the area
          usage of users’ limited cache capacity and maximizes  and keep moving until the end of the simulation. Since re‑
          the network’s average of loading. Furthermore, we pro‑  alizing the cell borders are unlikely, bouncing users can
          pose Advertisement Based (ABD2D) and Discovery Based  be interpreted as newcomers to the cell. Fig. 1 illustrates
          (DBD2D) D2D user/ content discovery procedures to    the system model.
          complement the DBCA and HCA. These schemes aim to
          advertise cached content by the clusters and discovery of
          cached content by Ordinary Users (OUs), respectively.
          A model network comprises mobile cellular users where
          some of them (HUs) are cache enabled and able to cre‑
          ate clusters in order to make cache placement and con‑
          tent discovery more ef icient, in terms of of loading and
          control messaging overhead. Clustering and cache place‑
          ment algorithms are applied consecutively before the pro‑
          posed advertisement and discovery procedures. This is
          the  irst work that addresses the D2D‑based distributed
                                                                          Fig. 1 – Illustration of Network Topology
          cache placement and content delivery along with the crit‑
          ical components of device discovery and content adver‑  Content set 1, 2, ...,    is bounded and HUs have limited
          tisement. We have implemented an LTE‑based simulation  cache capacity (   ) which necessitates an excogitated
          setup and analyzed the performance of proposed proce‑  cache placement approach. Each content is assumed to
          dures in terms of average of loading and messaging over‑  be of equal size. Content popularity among users are uni‑
          head against a varying number of Discovery Resource  form, Zipf distributed at each user and assumed to be
          Blocks (RBs), Helper Users(HUs), Ordinary Users (OUs)  known by all users in the network. According to the Zipf’s
          and Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) threshold.  Law, out of a content set with    elements popularity of
          Results are presented, discussed and highlighted in Sec‑  the content of rank    is de ined as [46];
          tion 7.
                                                                               (   ∶   ,   ) =               (1)
          2.  SYSTEM MODEL                                                               ∑     (  1    )
          We consider a simplex content delivery procedure be‑
          tween cellular users where HUs provide content to OUs
          upon request. A model network consists of a Base Station  Where  istheskewnessexponentoftheZipfdistribution.
          (BS) placedat thecenter ofacircularareaand all usersare  Bigger    reveals the domination of the most popular con‑
          randomly distributed. Users are categorized into three  tent, while on the other hand smaller    induce to a more
          groups:                                              uniform‑likely distribution.    is the size of the content
                                                               set and    is the rank of the content where    = 1 stands
            • Helper Users (HUs) are able to cache content and  for the most popular content of the set.
             provide them to the OUs via D2D links upon request.
             HUs are also able to form clusters with the help of  For successful content delivery, in addition to content
             the BS and manage intra‑cluster cache placement in  availability, some other conditions must be met. First
             a hierarchical structure.                         of all, users must meet the SINR threshold constraint to
                                                               exchange discovery/advertisement beacons. Since the
            • Isolated Helper Users (IHUs) have the same role  number of dedicated RBs for discovery and advertise‑
             and abilities as HUs but at a certain time slot they  ment procedures are limited and randomly selected by
             have not been able to join any cluster and thus stay  users, interference and collisions are inevitable. Without
             alone. IHUs cache and serve content individually.  exception, HUs and OUs, which are exposed to interfer‑
             Since all HUs are mobile, relative positions are time‑  ence, are unable to establish D2D links in an Awareness
             varying. Therefore, being isolated might be thought  Zone (AZ), cannot receive and transmit content in the De‑
             of as a transient state.                          livery Zone (DZ) and cannot make any contribution to of‑
                                                                loading sequentially. On the other hand, if discovery is
            • Ordinary Users (OUs) are not cache enabled and ac‑  successful, enough resources are assumed to exist and
             quire available content from HUs via D2D links. OUs  content transmission is assumed to be successful. LTE
             request desired content from BS if they cannot estab‑  physical layer and channel models [47] are adopted in the
             lish D2D links via the proposed procedures.       simulations.

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