Page 41 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

                AZ      DZ
          Fig. 4 – Clustering and Cache Placement Zone (CCZ), Access Zone (AZ)  frequency
          and Delivery Zone (DZ) ‑ Periodic allocation
          During an MP,          indicates that user    sends discov‑
          ery/advertisement beacons in the      ℎ  time slot using      ℎ
          In the case of multiple access attempts for an RB, inter‑
          ference at the receiver is inevitable. If the SINR value         1 ms                         
          at the receiver does not exceed the required threshold                                  1,1
          for any user, the corresponding advertisement/discovery              MP 5 ms       RP 5 ms
          message cannot be successfully received. As an outcome,                       time
          overlapped users encounter outage, are unable to create       Fig. 6 – Illustration of AZ Part 1 for N=10 ms
          D2D links and cannot make a contribution to the of load‑
          ing. On the other hand, if the SINR value meets the thresh‑  this beacon is transmitted via            . Similarly, bea‑
          old for a user, the corresponding user occupies the RB   cons which are indicated by vertical lines            and
          during the entire AZ and gets a response in the same time  dots            also received successfully since these
          slot and over the same RB during the following RP. The   RBs are not selected by any other user and replied
          SINR threshold depends on the modulation and coding      over the corresponding RBs in RP.
          rate [50]
                                                                 •            is selected by two users indicated by horizon‑
                                                                   tal and vertical lines. As mentioned previously, this
             Part 1             Part 2            Part 3
                                                                   overlap causes an interference at the receiver. Since
                ms                 ms                ms            none of the users ful ill the SINR threshold condition,
                             2 ×    +    ms
                                                                   a reply message is not sent in the RP.
                      Fig. 5 – Access Zone (AZ) Structure
                                                                 • Another particular case for multiple access to the
                                                                   same RB occurs at      1,5  .  This time, the SINR
          The  irst half of the partitions (1 and 3) is used for trans‑  threshold condition is ful illed by one of the users
          mitting discovery/advertisement beacons and called a     and a reply is sent over            .
          Messaging Period (MP). On the other hand, the second                            1,5
          half is called a Reply Period (RP) and used to reply to ad‑  Moreover, in D2D communication users aim to be aware
          vertisement/discovery messages. It is assumed that all  of each other in an extended range. This might be possible
          users stay in the cellular network coverage during the  with increasing the transmission power but in dense net‑
          simulations. Therefore, the time synchronization of users  works with limited spectrum allocation, this causes inter‑
          is provided by the network.                          ference, outage, and drains the battery. Therefore, simi‑
                                                               lar to the LTE D2D technology, it is assumed that all users
          For D2D links Winner B1 Line of Sight (LOS) pathloss
          model (6) is used which is also considered in technical re‑  have  ixed (23 dBm, 200 mW) transmission power [49].
          ports prepared by 3GPP for the case of outdoor users [47].  In LTE Direct,  ixed output power of user equipment pre‑
                                                               vents usage of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple
                    ,      = 40 log 10  (       ,     ) + 2.7 log 10  (   /5)  Access (OFDMA). Therefore, the Single Carrier Frequency
               − 17.3 log  (ℎ  ) − 17.3 log  (ℎ  ) + 9.45      Division Multiple Access (SC‑FDMA) technique is used
                       10               10      
                                                       (6)     for uplink to avoid a high Peak‑to‑Average Power Ratio
                                                               (PAPR). On the other hand, the OFDMA technique is used
          As mentioned beforehand, when a discovery or advertise‑  for the downlink which provides better spectral ef iciency
          ment beacon is successfully received, the corresponding  compared to SC‑FDMA.
          response beacon is sent in the same time slot and over
          the same RB in the RP. Thus, randomness in the RB se‑  In the proposed network model, the discovery beacon
          lection is avoided and successful delivery of the response  of an OU might be received by multiple CHs or IHUs for
          message is ensured. In Fig. 6 the structure of an AZ and  DBD2D. Similarly, the advertisement beacon of a CH or
          some particular cases are illustrated.               IHU also might be received by multiple OUs in ABD2D. In
                                                               such cases sending reply beacons using the same RB is not
            • Discovery/advertisement beacon transmitted over  possible because SC‑FDMA does not allow multiple access
                        is indicated by horizontal lines and reply to  to an RB. Since nearby users will attempt to access a com‑

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