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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          nated to initiate content discovery, which decreases colli‑  cache placement algorithms. In the advertisement based
          sions and improves of loading.                       scheme (ABD2D) Help Users (HUs) advertise cached con‑
                                                               tent and Ordinary Users (OUs) look for content over a lim‑
              6.5 6  ABD2D-BM                                  ited number of dedicated resource blocks (RBs). On the
             Number of Beacons for Unit Offloading  4.5 5 4    In both cases, HUs have a clustered structure, which im‑
                                                               other hand, in the discovery based scheme (DBD2D), Or‑
                                                               dinary Users (OUs) send discovery messages in order to
                                                               express to the HUs their need for content.
                                                               proves both cache placement and content delivery. For
                                                               both procedures, we make comprehensive simulations
                                                               for various performance metrics and against varying pa‑
                                                               rameters. Simulation results show that ABD2D along

                                                               tency, and improves of loading performance even for
                                                               compelling circumstances, such as, high user density, less
               2 3                                             with clustered HUs, provides less overhead, reduced la‑
                                                               number of dedicated RBs, and high SINR requirement.
               -10   -5     0     5     10    15    20
                           SINR Threshold (dB)
                                                               In the scope of this paper, we have assumed that the
          Fig. 13 – Mean Number of Beacons for Unit Of loading for Varying SINR  content popularity among users is time‑invariant, well
          Threshold Value                                      known and not user dependent. In a more realistic sce‑
                                                               nario, stationary and totally identical user preferences
                                                               are not expected. Therefore, HU‑side time‑varying pop‑
                                                               ularity and its estimation is planned to be investigated in
                                                               future work. Furthermore, the attitude of the proposed
                                                               procedures against mobility will be examined in detail
                     ABD2D-BM                                  later on in conjunction with cluster lifetime estimation
             Mean Offloading  250  DBD2D                       riod. Also the proposed model and methods for in‑band
                                                               and adaptive clustering and cache placement renewal pe‑
                                                               D2D communication must be applicable to existing and
                                                               future technologies. The LTE Direct framework is consid‑
                                                               ered while deriving a proposed resource allocation model
                                                               and access methodology. On the other hand, technical re‑
                                                               ports and speci ication documents prepared by the 3GPP
                                                               that cover 5G proximity services are not available yet. Ac‑
               -10   -5     0     5     10    15    20         cordingly, adaptation of the network model and proposed
                           SINR Threshold (dB)                 methodologies to 5G technology is prioritized for upcom‑
                                                               ing research.
             Fig. 14 – Mean Of loading for Varying SINR Threshold Value
          Lastly, Figs. 13 and 14 present the performance indica‑  REFERENCES
          tors against varying numbers of SINR threshold. Of load‑
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