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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          [47] P. Kyosti, J. Meinila, L. Hentila, X. Zhao, T. Jamsa, C.  AUTHORS
               Schneider, M. Narandzic, M. Milojevic, A. Hong, J. Yl‑
               italo, V.M. Holappa, M. Alatossava, R.J.C. Bultitude,              Tolga Girici received his B.S. de‑
               Y. Jong, and T. Rautiainen. “IST‑4‑027756 WINNER                   gree from Middle East Techni‑
               II D1.1.2 v1.2 WINNER II channel models”. In: Inf.                 cal University, Ankara, Turkey
               Soc. Technol 11 (Feb. 2008).                                       in 2000 and Ph.D. degree from
                                                                                  University of Maryland, College
          [48] 3GPP. Study on LTE Device to Device Proximity Ser‑                 Park in 2007, both in Electrical
               vices; Radio Aspects (Release 12). Technical Re‑                   Engineering. In 2005, he has
               port (TR) TR36.843. Version 12.0.1. 3rd Genera‑                    spent six months as an intern at
               tion Partnership Project (3GPP), Mar. 2014.   the Intelligent Automation Inc, Rockville, MD USA. He was
          [49] 3GPP. LTE Device to Device (D2D) Proximity Services  a research assistant at the Fujitsu Labs, College Park MD
               (ProSe); User Equipment (UE) radio transmission  USA in 2006‑2007. He is currently an associate professor
               and reception (Release 12). Technical Report (TR)  at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara,
               TR36.877. Version 12.0.0. 3rd Generation Partner‑  Turkey. He received a TUBITAK Career Award in 2010,
               ship Project (3GPP), Mar. 2015.               and actively collaborates with industry. His research in‑
                                                             terests include resource allocation and optimization in
          [50] A. Chiumento, M. Bennis, C. Desset, E. Van Der
                                                             next generation cellular wireless access networks, wire‑
               Perre, and S. Pollin. “Adaptive CSI and feedback es‑
                                                             less ad hoc networks, smart grid and tactical networks.
               timation in LTE and beyond: a Gaussian process re‑
               gression approach”. In: EURASIP Journal on Wire‑                  Ahmet Cihat Kazez received
               less Communications and Networking 2015 (Dec.                     his B.S. degree in Electrical and
               2015). DOI: 10.1186/s13638-015-0388-0.                            Electronics Engineering from
          [51] G. Berardinelli, L.A. Temino, S. Frattasi, M. Rahman,             Bilkent University in 2011.
               and P. Mogensen. “OFDMA vs. SC‑FDMA: perfor‑                      He received his M.S. degree in
               mance comparison in local area imt‑a scenarios”.                  Electrical and Electronics Engi‑
               In: Wireless Communications, IEEE 15 (Nov. 2008),                 neering from TOBB University
               pp. 64–72. DOI: 10.1109/MWC.2008.4653134.                         of Economics and Technology
                                                                                 in 2013. He is currently a PhD
                                                                                 candidate at the same univer‑
                                                             sity.  His research interests are routing, scheduling,
                                                             resource allocation and D2D communications in wireless

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