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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          massive  Machine  Type  Communications  (mMTC)        Analysis  of  research  articles  [12,  13  and  the
          that  increases  connection  reliability  for  different   references therein] and Internet communications
          smart devices of the Internet of Things (IoT).        referred to the latest developments in the field of
                                                                5G NR allows us to conclude that for today, world
          At present, the main interest of a 5G NR network’s
          operators and users is focused on the first point in   equipment manufacturers have fully mastered the
          order to provide super-high-speed transmission of     FR1 compatible with 4G LTE and partially the FR2,
          a huge amount of information. Following this need,    mainly in its lower sub-band. In its upper part of far
          unlike   previous   generations    of   cellular      beyond 40 GHz, the network and user equipment
                                                                has received the greatest development, providing
          communications,    the    standard    frequency
          allocation  of  the  5G  NR  wireless  fronthaul  is   wireless communications only with fixed network
          divided  into  two  sub-bands:  Frequency  Range  1   users.  The  implementation  by  mobile  network
          (FR1) in the 1-6 GHz [7] and Frequency Range 2        users  of  the  all  allocated  MMW  band  and
          (FR2) in the 24-71 GHz [8]. The rest of the service   prospective operating RFs up to and over 100 GHz
          scenarios  have  their  own,  different  from  each   using  all  three  of  the  above  service  scenarios  is
          other,  requirements  to  the  accommodating          considered  as  the  crucial  task  for  wireless
          networks, and the Mobile Fronthaul (MFH) and/or       fronthaul of 6th generation (6G).
          Mobile  Backhaul  (MBH)  should  be  optimized  for   A  detailed  study  of  existing  approaches  to  the
          their implementation [9].                             optimal  configurations  of  B5G  networks  and  our
                                                                experience  in  researching  the  optimal  principles
          As  for  a  MFH  design  principle,  centralized  radio
          access  network  (C-RAN)  architecture  has  been     for designing analog fronthaul networks with the
          already  introduced  in  4G  LTE  systems,  in  which   distribution of RF signals in the MMW band [16-21]
          multiple  Remote  Radio  Heads  (RRHs)  at  antenna   suggest that for an NG-RAN, the optimal approach
          sites are connected to a single Base Band Unit (BBU)   would be to use A-RoF as an architectural concept
          located at a central office so as to enable coordinated   and MWP as a technological concept for designing
          control  of  the  multiple  RRHs  using  the  Common   an  RU  containing  both  optoelectronic  and
          Public  Radio  Interface  (CPRI)  technical  standard.   microwave-electronic (MWE) elements. However,
          However, there is a great issue referred to the link   the developer of new MWE devices including MWP
          speed for CPRI, which is more than 10 times larger    units  is  facing  a  problem  of  choosing  an
                                                                appropriate computer platform for their modeling
          than that of the mobile user data rate mainly due to
          the quantization process of the radio frequency (RF)   and design. In particular, an RU designer is forced
          signal  waveform,  especially  of  millimeter  waves   to  use  means  of  several  computer-aided  design
          (MMW).  Since  the  maximum  user  data  rate  in  5G   (CAD)  tools  because  the  existing  optical  and
          systems is assumed to be 20 Gbps [10], this interface   optoelectronic  CAD  tools  (OE-CAD)  are  not  as
          seems to be unsustainable in 5G NR systems in their   developed  as  compared  with  the  CAD  tools
          current  form.  To  solve  this  problem,  a  so-called   intended  for  the  modeling  of  microwave-
          functional split of the BS configuration was recently   electronics  devices  (ME-CAD)  [22].  For  example,
          standardized into the next generation RAN (NG-RAN)    well-known  OE-CAD  tool  VPI  Photonics  Design
          with  the  introduction  of  newer  functional  blocks,   Suite (PDS) allows executing in precision manner
          such as a Central Unit (CU), a Distributed Unit (DU),   the  modeling  of  a  fiber-optic  link  with  detailed
                                                                study  of  optical  units’  performances,  but  RF  and
          and a Radio Unit (RU) instead of a BBU and RRH [11-
          13].                                                  especially   microwave    and   millimeter-wave
                                                                functional  units  are  represented  in  an  idealized
          To design optimally NG-RANs using analog Radio-       manner, without paying attention to the specialties
          over-Fiber  (A-RoF)  architecture,  two  options      of  the  microwave  band.  On  the  other  hand,
          including Radio Frequency-over-Fiber (RFoF)  and      operating at a symbolic level modern high-power
          its  derivative  Intermediate  Frequency-over-Fiber   microwave ME-CAD tool Cadence AWRDE simply
          (IFoF)  transmission  architectures  are  considered   and  with  high  precision  solves  this  problem  but
          as  promising  candidates  [14].  In  addition,  the   there  are  completely  no  models  of  active
          microwave-photonics  (MWP)  technology  [15]  is      optoelectronic components in its library. To fill this
          promising for designing the equipment for the RUs     gap, we have developed by AWRDE and validated
          of  the  millimeter  and  sub-millimeter  ranges,  in   experimentally a number of the models for active
          which the updated 5G and new beyond 5G (B5G)          and passive MWP elements, such as semiconductor
          MFH networks will operate.                            laser,  p-i-n  photodetector,  two  types  of  optical

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