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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          modulator,  single  and  multi-core  optical  fiber,   of user terminals in a picocell, the requirements for
          multichannel  reflecting  Bragg  grating,  and  for   cost-efficiency  of  the  RU  equipment,  in  fact,
          some  MWP  devices  using  these  models.  The        representing the interface between the optical and
          development results are summarized in  [23].  In      RF sections of the transmission system come to the
          addition,  in  order  to  show  the  effectiveness  and   forefront.  The  most  obvious  solution  to  this
          reliability of the proposed approach, a comparative   problem  is  the  ultimate  simplification  of  the  RU
          study was carried out using a direct comparison of    scheme, which is carried out by removing all the
          ME-CAD vs OE-CAD models when simulating both          processing    units   (generation,   modulation,
          individual optoelectronic elements in a microwave     demodulation,  RF  frequency  conversion,  etc.)  to
          bandwidth and some MWP devices based on them          the CU or DU. That is, a package of modulated RF
          [24].  The  result  clearly  showed  that  the  optimal   carriers  with  frequencies  corresponding  to  the
          approach for this purpose was in using established    operating frequencies of the wireless fronthaul is
          microwave-electronic  CAD  tool  Cadence  AWRDE,      inputted  to  the  optical  transmitters  of  the  DU
          especially during the modeling of MMW devices, as     (downlink)  and  the  RU  (uplink).  Therefore,  the
          it is needed for designing analog fronthaul RU of     decisive  influence  on  their  characteristics  effects
          B5G.                                                  the scheme of transporting digitally modulated RF
                                                                signals through a fiber-optic cable between the DU
          Nevertheless,  this  unit  raises  the  question  of
          choosing  the  optimal  principle  for  designing  its   and  RU.  Fig.  2  illustrates  two  possible  options
                                                                noted  in  the  Introduction  to  design  NG-RAN
          circuitry  using  an  MWE  or  MWP  approach.  To
          clarify this, in this paper we perform a comparative   wireless fronthaul including RFoF (a), and IFoF (b).
          simulation  for  a  specific  example  of  developing   The following abbreviations are used in the figure:
          such  an  obligatory  RU’s  node  as  a  reference    EA  –  electronic  amplifier;  EOM  –  electro-optic
          oscillator with an output frequency of more than      modulator;  IFDM  –  IF  demodulator;  IFM  –  IF
          100 GHz, which is typically implemented by means      modulator; IF/RF – frequency up-converter; MIMO
          of a circuit that includes a relatively low-frequency   –  multiple  input/multiple  output;  MMW-RO  –
          RF  oscillator followed  by  a  high-order frequency   millimeter-wave  reference  oscillator;  MW-RO  –
          multiplier. Thus, the rest of the paper contains the   microwave    reference   oscillator;      PD   –
          following.  Section  2  addresses  the  features  of   photodetector; RF/IF – frequency down-converter;
                                                                RFDM – RF demodulator; RFM – RF modulator; SLS
          configuring an analog fronthaul network using the
          above two options of RoF architecture. In addition,   – semiconductor laser source.
          the key principles of MWP-based hardware design                              Downlink
          are explained in Section 3. Following the principles   From CU  PD  Data  RFM  EOM  PD   EA
          and approaches outlined, Section 4 proposes and
          describes   two    alternative   schemes    for              MMW-RO  SLS            SLS       MIMO  MMW
          implementing a frequency multiplier from 4.25 to
          102 GHz using MWE or MWP approach.  Further,           To CU  EOM  Data  RFDM  PD   EOM   EA
          with  the  help  of  AWRDE  software  with  an              DU                    RU
          additional introduction of the previously proposed                            Uplink
          models  of  optoelectronic  devices,  their  main                (a) RFoF-based wireless fronthaul
          characteristics  are  considered.  To  ensure  the
          practical orientation of the model experiments, the    From CU   Data        Downlink
          parameters of each of the models used are selected            PD    IFM  EOM       PD   IF/RF
          based  on  the  the  specifications  of  commercially        MW-RO
          available discrete components. Section 5 concludes                  SLS            SLS  MMW-RO  MIMO band
          the paper.
                                                                  To CU    Data
                                                                       EOM    IFDM  PD      EOM    RF/IF
          2.  A-ROF-BASED ARCHITECTURE FOR                            DU               Uplink  RU
             WIRELESS FRONTHAUL                                            (b) IFoF-based wireless fronthaul

          In  general,  a  NG-RAN  of  A-RoF  architecture        Fig. 1 – Conceptual diagrams of NG-RAN’s A-RoF wireless
          combined with a small-cell scenario is considered      fronthauls (Optical connections are painted in red, electrical
          as the reliable way for the further development of                    connections in black)
          cellular  communication  networks  beyond  5G.  At
          the same time, due to the relatively small number

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