Page 53 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          4.1    The block diagrams and reference data          approach to designing high-order MMW multiplier
          for simulation                                        [29] is shown in Fig. 4. As it follows from the figure,
                                                                the circuit is divided into 2 stages based on optical
          The block diagram of the MWE-assisted RF multiplier   Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZM) pumped by the
          under study based on a typical approach to designing   same semiconductor laser source (SLS). The MZM1
          high-order MMW multipliers [28] is shown in Fig. 3.   of  the  first  one  operates  in  the  maximum

                    Table 1 – Common reference data             transmission bias (MATB) mode implementing 4x
                                                                multiplication  of  the  input  RF  signal  (4.25  to
              Parameter                  Value
                                                                17 GHz).  Its  output  intensity-modulated  optical
             Input frequency           4.25 GHz                 spectrum  including  optical  carrier  and  a  set  of
            Output frequency            102 GHz                 higher harmonics of the RF subcarrier is converted
           Multiplication factor          24                    by  a  photodetector  (PD1)  into  an  RF  band,
              Input power               ≥5 dBm                  amplified by an electrical amplifier (EA), and the
            Transmission gain           ≥-5 dB                  component  of  17  GHz  is  selected  using  an  RF
                                                                bandpass filter (RF BPF). The output signal of the
          As it follows from the figure, due to the fact that a   RF BPF is fed to the input of the second MZM2 that
          high-order  coaxial  frequency  multiplier  is        operates in the minimum transmission bias (MITB)
          practically  impossible  to  implement  in  the       mode implementing 6x multiplication (17 to 102
          microwave range [28], the circuit is divided into 3   GHz).  Its  output  intensity-modulated  optical
          stages  of  active  multipliers  by  2  (MP2-1,  MP2-2,   spectrum  including  a  partly  suppressed  optical
          and MP2-3), followed by a multiplier by 3 (MP3) in    carrier  and  a  set  of  higher  harmonics  of  the  RF
          a  coaxial-waveguide  design.  To  eliminate  the     subcarrier  is  filtered  by  an  optical  Bragg  grating
          higher  harmonics  arising  in  the  process  of  this   notch filter (OBGF) suppressing an optical carrier
          nonlinear  operation,  after  each  multiplication    and the two nearest harmonics of the RF signal. The
          stage  the  corresponding  bandpass  filters  (BPF1,   remainder is gained by an optical amplifier (OA),
          BPF2, BPF3 and BPF4) are introduced. Reference        converted  by  a  photodetector  (PD2)  into  an  RF
          data for simulating this RF multiplier are given in   band,  amplified  by  EA3,  and  filtered  by  a
          Table. 2. The parameters of all devices are taken     waveguide  bandpass  filter  (WG-BPF).  Reference
          from the websites of the respective manufacturers.    data for  simulating this  RF  multiplier  is  given  in
                                                                Table. 3. The parameters of all devices are taken
          The  block  diagram  of  the  MWP-assisted  RF
          multiplier  under  study  based  on  a  known  MWP    from the websites of the respective manufacturers.

                                Fig. 3 – Block diagram of the MWE-based frequency multiplier under study

             Fig. 4 – Block diagram of the MWP-based frequency multiplier under study (Optical connections are painted in red, electrical
                                                    connections in black)

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