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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          under study. The measurement results are shown        The following outcomes can be drawn from these
          in Fig. 10 (a) for an MWE approach and in Fig. 10     figures.
          (b) for an MWP approach.
                                                                –  The output spectra of both schemes under study
                                                                have  a  high-side  mode  suppression  ratio.
                                                                Nevertheless,  due  to  the  higher  linearity  of  the
                                                                characteristics of the used optoelectronic devices,
                                                                its minimum value for the MWP approach turned
                                                                out to be 13 dB higher (90 dB vs 77 dB) than for the
                                                                MWE approach.
                                                                –  Measurement  of  the  amplitude  characteristics
                                                                showed  that  the  input  power  level  of  the  MWP-
                                                                based scheme according to the standard criterion,
                                                                which  is  a  1-dB  deviation  from  linear,  is  almost
                                                                5 dB higher than that of the MWE-based scheme.
                                                                Consequently,  its  dynamic  band  is  significantly
                          (a) For MWE model                     better.

                                                                5.  CONCLUSION
                                                                To choose the optimal principle for designing B5G
                                                                NG-RAN’s radio unit circuitry using a microwave-
                                                                electronics  (MWE)  or  microwave-photonics
                                                                (MWP)  approach,  in  this  paper  we  performed  a
                                                                comparative simulation  for a  specific  example  of
                                                                developing  such  an  obligatory  RU’s  node  as  a
                                                                reference  oscillator  with  an  output  frequency  of
                                                                more  than  100  GHz,  which  was  typically
                                                                implemented by means of a circuit that includes a
                                                                relatively low-frequency RF oscillator followed by
                          (b) For MWP model                     a high-order frequency multiplier. In particular, we
             Fig. 10 – Simulated output spectra for the frequency   proposed and described two alternative schemes
                         multiplier under study                 for implementing a frequency multiplier from 4.25

          In  addition,  their  amplitude  characteristics  were   to 102 GHz using an MWE or MWP approach. The
          investigated.  The  measurement  results  of  output   goal  of  the  simulation  was  to  select  an  optimal
          power vs input power are shown in Fig. 11.            design  concept  for  developing  a  high-order  RF
                                                                multiplier  of  NG-RAN’s  reference  oscillator  using
                                                                the same input and output powers and operating
                                                                frequencies.  For  both  cases,  Cadence  AWRDE
                                                                software  with  an  additional  introduction  of  the
                                                                previously  proposed  models  of  optoelectronic
                                                                devices was implemented. To ensure the practical
                                                                orientation  of  the  simulation  experiments,  the
                                                                parameters  of  the  included  active  and  passive
                                                                schematic elements were selected based on the the
                                                                specifications  of  commercially  available  discrete

                                                                As  a  result,  a  comparison  of  the  investigated
                                                                variants  showed  the  potential  advantage  of  the
                                                                MWP  approach  from  the  point  of  view  of  the
             Fig. 11 – Amplitude characteristics for the frequency   simplicity of the scheme, since even at the current
                         multiplier under study
                                                                level  of  optoelectronic  device  production,  the

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