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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          [17]  M.  Kamalian-Kopae,  M.E.  Belkin,  S.K.        [25]  M.  Belkin,  T.  Bakhvalova,  A.S.  Sigov,
               Turitsyn,  “The  Design  Principles  of  Fibre-        “Studying an Optimal Approach to Distribute
               Wireless Integration in the Incoming Mobile            Signals  through  Fiber-Wireless  Fronthaul
               Communication  Networks”,  in  Proceedings             Network”, COMCAS-2019, November 4-6, Tel
               of   22  International    Conference    on             Aviv, Israel, 2019.
               Transparent  Optical  Networks  (ICTON           [26]  A.J.   Seeds,   K.J.   Williams,   “Microwave
               2020), Bari, Italy, July 19-23, p. 1-4, 2020.
                                                                      Photonics”, in IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave
          [18]  M.E.  Belkin,  D.  Fofanov, T.  Bakhvalova,  A.S.     Technology, v. 24, No 12, p. 4628-4641, 2006.
               Sigov,  “Design  of  Reconfigurable  Multiple-   [27]  J. Capmany, D. Novak, “Microwave photonics
               Beam  Array  Feed  Network  based  on                  combines two worlds”, in Nature Photonics,
               Millimeter-Photonics   Beamformers”,    in             Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.319-330, 2007.
               Array  Pattern  Optimization,  IntechOpen:
               London, United Kingdom, Volume 1, pp. 109-       [28]  N. Sarmah, B. Heinemann, U.R. Pfeiffer, “235–
               132., 2019.                                            275  GHz  (x16)  frequency  multiplier  chains
                                                                      with up to 0 dBm peak output power and low
          [19]  M.E.  Belkin,  A.S.  Sigov,  “The  building           DC  power  consumption”,  2014  IEEE  Radio
               principles of a cost- And power-efficient base         Frequency  Integrated  Circuits  Symposium,
               station   for    emerging    fiber-wireless            June 1-3, Tampa, USA, p. 181-184, 2014.
               networks”,    2017    IEEE    International
               Conference  on  Microwaves,  Antennas,           [29]  A.  Kanno;  T.  Kawanishi,  “Millimeter-wave
               Communications  and  Electronic  Systems               signal  generation  using  cascaded  optical
               (COMCAS 2017), Tel Aviv, Israel, November              frequency  multiplication  technique”,  2014
               13-15,pp. 1-4, 2017.                                   44th  European  Microwave  Conference,
                                                                      October 6-9, Rome, Italy, p. 1028-1031, 2014.
          [20]  M.E.  Belkin,  T.  Bakhvalova,  S.  Turitsyn,  A.
               Sigov,   “The    Design    Principles   of       [30]  M. Burla, C. Hoessbacher, W. Heni, C. Haffner,
               Reconfigurable  Versatile  Base  Station  for          Y. Fedoryshyn, D. Werner, “A 325 GHz Analog
               Upcoming  Communication  Networks”,  26th              Photonic  Link”,  2019  International  Topical
               Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR2018),                 Meeting  on  Microwave  Photonics  (MWP),
               Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 180-182, 2018.                   October 7-10, Ottawa, Canada, p. 1-4, 2019.
          [21]  M.  E.  Belkin,  A.  Alyoshin,  D  Fofanov,
               “Designing  WDM-RoF  Concept-Based  Full-
               Duplex  MMW  Fiber  Fronthaul  Microcell         AUTHORS
               Network”,  26th  Conference  of  Open
               Innovations    Association   (FRUCT2020).                         Prof.  Dr.  Mikhail  E.  Belkin
               Yaroslavl, Russia, April 20-24, 2020.                             received an engineering degree in
                                                                                 radio and television from Moscow
          [22]  X. J. M. Leijtens, P. Le Lourec, M. K. Smit, “S-                 Institute  of  Telecommunications,
               Matrix  Oriented  CAD-Tool  for  Simulating                       in  1971,  Ph.  D.  degree  in
               Complex Integrated Optical Circuits”, in IEEE                     telecommunication and electronic
               Journal  of  Selected  Topics  in  Quantum                        engineering    from    Moscow
               Electronics, pp. 257-262, 1996.                  Technical  University  of  Telecommunications  and
          [23]  M.E.  Belkin,  V.  Golovin,  Y.  Tyschuk,  M.   Informatics, in 1996, and Sc. D. degree in photonics
               Vasil’ev, A.S. Sigov, “Computer-Aided Design     and  optical  communications  from  Moscow  State
               of  Microwave-Photonics-based  RF  Circuits      Technical University of Radio-Engineering, Electronics
               and Systems”, chapter in Intech Open book        and  Automation,  in  2007.  The  theme  of  his  Sc.  D.
               RF  Systems,  Circuits  and  Components,         degree  thesis  is  ‘Analog  Fiber  Optic  Systems  with
               Chapter 4, pp. 61-81, 2018.                      multiplexing on RF and Microwave Subcarriers and
                                                                Multiservice  HFC  Networks  on  their  Base’.  He  has
          [24]  M.E. Belkin, T. N. Bakhvalova, V. Golovin, Y.N.   written more than 250 scientific works in English and
               Tyschuk,   A.S.   Sigov,   “Modeling   and       Russian. The major current R&D fields are fiber-optic
               Simulation     in     Microwave-Photonics        devices and systems, microwave photonics, photonic
               Applications”,  chapter  in  IntechOpen  book    ICs,  incoming  cellular  communication  networks,
               Modeling  and  Simulation  in  Engineering  -
               Selected Problems, p. 167-188, 2020.             computer-aided design.

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