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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

                                             COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS
                            Mikhail E. Belkin , Vladislav Golovin , Yuriy Tyschuk , and Alexander S. Sigov 1
              Scientific and Technological Center “Integrated Microwave Photonics” MIREA - Russian Technological University
                   Moscow, Russian Federation,  Sevastopol State University (SevSU), Sevastopol, Russian Federation
                                   NOTE: Corresponding author: Mikhail E. Belkin,

          Abstract  –  Specialties  of  an  analog  fronthaul  based  on  Radio-over-Fiber  architecture  and  key  principles  of
          exploiting microwave photonics technology when designing a millimeter-wave Radio Unit (RU) are reviewed and
          discussed.  To clarify, in this paper we perform a comparative simulation for a specific example of developing an
          obligatory RU’s node as a reference oscillator with an output radio frequency (RF) of more than 100 GHz, which
          is typically implemented by means of a circuit that includes a relatively low-frequency RF oscillator followed by
          a high-order frequency multiplier. Following the principles and approaches outlined, we propose and describe
          two  alternative  schemes  for  implementing  a  frequency  multiplier  from  4.25  to  102  GHz  using  microwave-
          electronics  or  microwave-photonics  approach.  Further,  using  Cadence  AWRDE  software  with  an  additional
          introduction  of  the  previously  proposed  models  of  optoelectronic  devices,  their  main  characteristics  are
          considered. To ensure the practical orientation of the model experiments, the parameters of each of the models
          used are selected based on the specifications of commercially available discrete components.

          Keywords  –  Analog  wireless  fronthaul,  beyond  5G  telecommunication  system,  microwave  photonics,
          modeling, simulation experiment

          1. INTRODUCTION                                       – recent advances show that unmanned vehicles
                                                                that independently choose the route and actively
          As  well  known,  the  most  striking  event  for  the   exchange  information  with  each  other  are  no
          world of telecommunications in the second decade      longer fiction, but the near future of mankind.
          of the 21st century is the gradual transformation of
          5th  Generation  (5G)  cellular  networks  from  a    However, the resources of 4G LTE networks were not
          distant perspective into reality, and now the first   designed for the transmission of such huge amounts
          commercial  5G  networks  have  already  been  put    of  information.  Despite  the  use  of  various
          into  operation  in  a  number  of  industrialized    complementary  technologies  such  as  Multiple
          countries [1]. In addition, smartphones and routers   Input/Multiple  Output  (MIMO)  and  frequency
          with 5G support have appeared on the market. The      aggregation, Base Stations (BS) in densely populated
          main  motivation  for  5G  onrush  is  that  although   urban areas are often congested. The result is that
          mature 4th  Generation Long-Term Evolution (4G        newer devices demand faster mobile Internet with
          LTE)  networks  have  provided  high  rates  of  data   lower latency and improved reliability.
          transmission, the exchange of data on the Internet    When developing 5G NR (New Radio) standards,
          is promptly increasing every year. Here are just a    the exact requirements that new technologies and
          few illustrative examples:                            industries place on mobile communications, were

          – High  Definition  (HD)  and  FullHD  videos  are    taken into account. Generally, the concept of 5G NR
          replaced by video standards that have many times      access  networks  implies  three  key  service
          a higher resolution: 4K UHD and 8K UHD;               scenarios [2-6]:
          – large  volumes  of personal  and  corporate data    enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) that supports
          are  stored  on  remote  and  "cloud"  servers  and   faster transferring large amounts of user data;
          require round-the-clock uninterrupted access;
          – technologies  of  augmented  and  virtual  reality  Ultra-Reliable  Low  Latency  Communications
          are actively developing, which are planned to be      (URLLC) that reduces latency, which is critical for
          used in the educational process and online games;     the development of unmanned vehicles;

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