Page 38 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies – Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2
P. 38

ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 2

          In Fig. 1 the network topology is illustrated. Solid lines  4.  CLUSTERING AND CACHE PLACEMENT
          with solid arrows indicate D2D communication. D2D         OPERATIONS
          links between HUs are required for intra‑cluster opera‑
          tions. Four of the OUs are highlighted to depict some par‑  Proposed ABD2D and DBD2D procedures are envisaged
          ticular cases. 1) OU1 is not close enough to a CH and only  to work in conjunction with DBCA and HCA that were
          a nearby IHU serves requested content. 2) OU2 neither  originally proposed in [34]. Therefore, in the scope of
          has a CH nor an IHU in its D2D range for the correspond‑  this paper, we evaluate the performance of these algo‑
          ing time slot. 3) OU3 is in coverage of two CHs. 4) Simi‑  rithms once again and investigate the adaptation of pre‑
          larly OU4 has a link to a CH and is able to exploit content  proposed algorithms and currently proposed procedures
          from cluster members. Moreover, dashed lines with solid  as a whole. Shortened descriptions of the algorithms are
          arrows indicate a cellular link and a dashed line with the  given below.
          thin arrow indicates the control plane interface between
                                                               Distance Based Clustering Algorithm (DBCA) aims to
          the BS and ProSe Server. The role of these links is de‑
          scribed in the following sections.                   cluster nearby HUs and pave the way for facilitating col‑
                                                               laboration among cache enabled devices by providing
                                                               content diversity. In our clustering approach: 1) All clus‑
          3.  OFFLOADING FORMULATION                           ter members are close enough to establish direct D2D
                                                               links between each other, this enables intra‑cluster coor‑
          For the sake of completeness, the problem of of loading  dination. 2) Cluster members act in a hierarchical struc‑
          maximization, originally formulated in [34] is given in (2).  ture, the HU that has the most number of OUs in its D2D
          We assume that there are    ordinary users,    helper  range is designated as the Cluster Head (CH). Cache place‑
          users and    contents. Here          is popularity of content     ment is managed by the CH and cache capacity of the clus‑
          for OU   , which is Zipf distributed and uniform among all  ter is considered as a whole. 3) Each HU can be a member
          OUs. Decision variable    ℎ      takes binary values and indi‑  of only one cluster; this constraint prevents con licts in
          cates delivery of content    to OU    from HU ℎ. Parameter  caching. We assume that the clustering operation is man‑
             stands for content size. Another binary variable    ℎ    in‑  aged by the D2D ProSe server, which receives the neigh‑
          dicates that content    is cached by helper ℎ. The sum of  borhood information from HUs as input, as in [26].
             ℎ    along ℎ is limited to cache capacity    . Moreover,    ℎ  
          stands for the SINR based D2D eligibility between HU ℎ  Cache placement operation is managed by the CH relying
          and user   . Accordingly, (5) enforces that an OU    can re‑  on the Hierachical Caching Algoritm (HCA) [34]. This
          ceive help from HU ℎ, in terms of content   , only if HU ℎ  algorithm is managed by the head of each cluster. The
          caches that content and HU/OU meets the SINR threshold  algorithm accepts cluster information, content popular‑
          condition.                                           ity (   ), number of contents (  ) and cache capacity of
                                                               HUs (   ) as inputs. For each cluster, initially total cache
                                                               capacity is calculated and cluster level caching layout is
                                     = {∑ ∑          ∑    ℎ         (2)  determined as to how many copies of each content will
                                 =1   =1  ℎ=1                  be cached. Then HU‑level cache placement is determined
                                                               according to the cluster’s hierarchical order. Resultant
          s.t.                                                 cache placement may include duplicate copies of popu‑
                                                               lar content in multiple cluster members, or some content
                     ∑       ≤    , ∀ℎ = 1, … ,        (3)     may not be cached at all. As an exception, HUs that are
                       =1                                      not members of any cluster are classi ied as isolated HUs
                                                               (IHU), cache the most popular content and serve OUs in‑
                                                               dividually. Content to be cached is requested from the BS.
                 ∑    ℎ      ≤ 1, ∀   = 1, … ,   ,    = 1, … ,     (4)
                 ℎ=1                                           In this work, we assume that clustering and cache place‑
                                                               ment procedures are repeated periodically in order to
                                                               cope with mobility. The robustness of the algorithm pair
             ℎ      ≤       , ∀   = 1, … ,   ,    = 1, … ,   , ℎ = 1, … ,     (DBCA and HCA) against mobility was investigated in
                  ℎ   ℎ  
                                                       (5)     [44]. A reasonable update period of 10‑15 seconds re‑
                                                               sulted in a small performance loss (around 4 − 5%).

          The formulation described above maximizes of loading  5.  PROPOSED ADVERTISEMENT AND DIS‑
          for a given (static) network topology and disregards mo‑  COVERY PROCEDURES
          bility. Besides, it assumes perfect user/content discovery.
          For a mobile network, this optimization problem has to be  As mentioned in Section 1, previous studies on D2D
          solved periodically with suf icient frequency and it has a  caching (including [34]) mainly overlooked D2D user and
          prohibitive complexity.                              content discovery. In this section, the proposed content

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