Page 83 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

          representation of the physical entity that implements the   Friends information is hosted. The SIoT hosts only one
          functionality required for managing the communications   Friend Table for each CLO. The FT content represents the
          and for supporting the common control plane [17]. A CLO   CLO friends and contains information about the friend‑
          carries metadata associated with a given object, such as   ships. The Relationship Manager (RM) module imple‑
          information on object’s nature, status and list of friends.   ments the logic through which a relationship can be cre‑
          Among  the  information  characterizing  the  CLO,  seman‑   ated, deleted or updated. It is responsible for providing
          tic  descriptions  facilitate  the  interactions  between  digi‑   rules for implementing the social relationships among ID‑
          tal twins, supporting the detection and management op‑   labelled CLOs. When a new relationship is created, the RM
          erations despite devices heterogeneity.  A CLO, as a soft‑   writes directly in the Friend Table distributed database
          ware entity, can be implemented in SIoT repositories and   of the involved CLOs. The Relationship Browser (RB)
          hosted in the cloud or on the edge of the network infras‑   module deals with navigating the social graph while im‑
          tructure.  SIoT is responsible for managing the life cycle   plementing the search algorithms. In particular, the RB
          of each digital twin,  store and update their status infor‑   deals with the analysis of the FTs to  ind a target destina‑
          mation in real time and disseminating data from the dig‑   tion/set of destinations to be reached among the friends
          ital twin to the physical world through a new data com‑   of a given entity. The Identity Service (IS) module is re‑
          munication delivery method and scheme called Sociocast   sponsible for managing the Identi iers lifecycle. IS man‑
          [18].  In particular, Sociocast leverages the SIoT concept   ages the IDs of the created or removed CLOs. Subscrip‑
          to support group communications among nodes in an ef‑   tion Service (SS) allows to the peer or cluster RM to sub‑
           icient and effective way on the control plane.  With data   scribe to information about CLO changes (for example po‑
          driven  logistics,  dynamic  optimization  of  basic  logistics   sition) and provides support for pushing the relevant up‑
          processes is at the forefront of the next generation of lo‑   dates. SS is exploited whenever the friendship tables of
          gistics services.  Finding optimal routes for vehicles is a   the CLOR managed by two different RMs need to be up‑
          problem  that  has  been  studied  for  many  decades  from   dated. The Virtual Instance (VI) mdule represents the
          a  theoretical  and  practical  point  of  view.  What  is  typi‑   virtual instance of CLO: when a CLO has to interact, make
          cally associated with the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)   decisions or perform computation, this component is in‑
          is a generalization of the Travelling Salesperson Problem,   stantiated. It is released when the CLO gets idle. It repre‑
          where multiple vehicles are available.  This class of rout‑   sents the digital twin of the CLO, extends its capabilities
          ing  problems  is  notoriously  hard;  it  not  only  falls  into   and carries out social behaviours.
          the class of NP‑complete problems, but also it cannot be
          solved optimally in practice, even for moderate instance
          sizes.  More  importantly,  processing  VRP  optimization
          on  large  graphs  in  real‑time  demands  employing  addi‑
          tional techniques, such as heuristics and/or graph prun‑
          ing.  Different  clustering  approaches  have  been  used  in
          pruning the input graph for VRP. For example, Ruhan et
          al. [19] uses k‑means clustering in combination with a re‑
          balancing algorithm to obtain areas with balanced num‑
          bers  of  customers.  Bent  et  al.  also  study  the  bene its
          and limitations of vehicle and customer‑based decompo‑
          sition  schemes  [20],  demonstrating  better  performance
          with  the  latter.  In  COG‑LO,  linear  optimization  was  ap‑
          plied as an exact optimization approach for solving VRP.
          The combination of an enriched social‑like behavior and
          instant‑by‑instant knowledge of an object’s state, allows               Fig. 1 – SIoT peer
          SIoT  to  support  requests  from  optimization  systems  by
          effectively pruning CLO graphs on the basis of social re‑
          lationships.  Therefore,  it proves to be a critical part for   3.  COG‑LO FRAMEWORK
          real‑time optimization.
                                                               The COG‑LO framework aims to provide a holistic solution
          2.3   SIoT platform                                  for handling the high operational dynamicity of the logis‑
                                                               tics  environment.  It  follows  a  layered  architecture  and
          Conceptually,  the  Social  Internet  of  Things  (SIoT)  plat‑   provides interoperable solutions regarding data models,
          form consists of various clusters of SIoT peers. Each SIoT   information  exchange  and  security  mechanisms.  This
          peer is made up of different functional blocks and exposes   way it enables transparent coordination and exchange of
          its data and services via REST calls (Fig. 1).       information between different objects and systems based
          The Cognitive Logistic Objects Repository (CLOR) is a   on heterogeneous access protocols in a secure manner.
          data structure that contains all CLO information.  Friend
          Tables  (FTs)  are  the  data  structure  where  the  CLO

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