Page 84 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

         3.1  Architecture                                         Layer      appropriate
                                                               mechanisms  both  for  the  provisioning,  management,
         The  physical  entities  that  collectively  carry  out  the  ac‑   monitoring and optimization of the Infrastructure Layer
         tual logistics processes are denoted as the Infrastructure
                                                               as well as for the effective coordination of resources and
         layer. These refer to a variety of concepts, including cargo
                                                               their actions towards business objectives.  A key compo‑
         (parcel,  palette,  container,  etc.),  transportation  means
                                                               nent of the Coordination Layer is thus the Social Internet
         (vehicles, trucks, trains, etc.), back‑end ICT systems and   of Things.
         services, as well as infrastructure components, like hubs,
                                                               The Intelligence Layer provides the necessary logical in‑
         parking places, ports and other. The entities of the infras‑
                                                               ference  mechanisms  for  knowledge  extraction  and  for‑
         tructure are complemented by the datasources, including
                                                               malisation,  learning  and  reasoning,  as  well  as  cognitive
         any source of data such as Enterprise Resource Planning,
                                                               behaviour of the underlying entities.  To achieve this, the
         Warehouse Management System, Intelligent Transporta‑
                                                               COG‑LO intelligence Layer consists of multiple analytics
         tion Systems, Traf ic Information Systems, along with op‑
                                                               technologies able to merge and aggregate data from dif‑
         erational and con iguration data that are essential for the
                                                               ferent logistics entities and CLOs, to identify patterns, and
         operation of COG‑LO.
                                                               to  propose  operation  improvements.  Secondly,  predic‑
                                                               tive  analytics  with  event  processing  enables  foreseeing
                                                               the impact of state changes of one or more operations and
                                                               determining the corresponding effects on multiple stake‑
                                                               holders.  COG‑LO  Intelligence  Layer  is  coupled  with  op‑
                                                               timization  algorithms  and  heuristics  for  enabling  CLOs
                                                               adaptation to operational changes from the external en‑
                                                               vironment in near‑real time.  In particular,  COG‑LO cou‑
                                                               ples analytics and optimization for considering the effect
                                                               of optimization control measures to the performance of
                                                               operations  in  an  environment  with  continuous  external
                                                               Finally,  the  Application  Layer  consists  of  the  Cognitive
                                                               Advisor (CA) and the Tweeting CLOs. The CA provides the
                                                               logistics operator with visual decision support for rout‑
                                                               ing optimisation.  The CA interacts with the MSB to visu‑
                                                               alise the formalisation,  reasoning and cognitive outputs
                                                               of the Intelligence and Coordination Layers.  The Tweet‑
                                                               ing CLO is the generic prototype consisting of the appro‑
                                                               priate APIs that receive the messages from the logistics
                        Fig. 2 – COG‑LO Architecture           objects and vehicles and transmit them to the CLOs in the
                                                               same network and to the CA via the MSB. Fostering inter‑
         In  order  to  provide  for  effective  interaction,  an  Inter‑   operability, semantic data integration and operational ef‑
                                                               fectiveness, COG‑LO components rely on semantic ontolo‑
         action  Layer  has  been  created.  It  includes  a  Message
                                                               gies  for  grounding  data  being  collected,  processed  and
         and Service Bus (MSB) which acts as mediation middle‑
                                                               disseminated,  as  well  as  establishing  a  common  under‑
         ware between the components of the COG‑LO ecosystem.
                                                               standing between the collaborating entities.
         The  MSB  comprises  a  message‑oriented  system  provid‑
         ing  both  asynchronous  and  point‑to‑point  message  ex‑
                                                               3.2   Data model
         change between the system entities, circulation of events,
         and interaction between the CLOs. Furthermore, the MSB
                                                               The  COG‑LO  integrates  data  from  various  sources  that
         provides the integration of the infrastructure objects and
                                                               correspond to stakeholders with different roles in the lo‑
         data sources, by means of appropriate connectors. To this
                                                               gistics domain. Τhe provenance of data and the use cases
         end,  a  fundamental  duty  of  the  MSB  is  the  transforma‑
                                                               supported by this data exhibit great variety in their na‑
         tion of the Platform Independent Model (PIM) of the un‑
                                                               ture and cover a broad range of logistics services. Thus,
         derlying components operational behaviour to the COG‑
                                                               the main challenges faced were (i) the design of a broad
         LO Platform‑Speci ic Model (PSM). The MSB incorporates
                                                               homogenized data model, which serves all purposes re‑
         also  the  functionality  for  the  orchestration  of  COG‑LO
                                                               quired, and at the same time (ii) the delimitation of the
         components and operations as regards the execution of   design to the context of the project.
         work lows [21]. In addition, the MSB is the main COG‑LO
                                                               The  context  of  COG‑LO  demonstrates  a  dual  nature,
         system entity for the enforcement of mechanisms for data   namely the physical and the digital one.  In the physical
         security, privacy and trust.
                                                               context,  objects  perform  normal  logistics  actions,  while
                                                               in the virtual context they act as virtualized entities with
                                                               intelligence capabilities.  In the physical context, logistics
                                                               objects  are  parcels,  containers,  trucks,  ships,  trains,
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