Page 87 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5 – Internet of Everything
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 5

          way to connect COG‑LO applications, platforms (e.g., SIoT,  intelligently  select  candidate  objects,  then  contact  the
          smart road infrastructure) and various data sources etc.,  Cognitive  Advisor  to  receive  updated  plans  for  the
          on the grounds of the abstraction, adaptation and com‑  vehicles  involved  and   inally  initiate  the  negotiation
          munication features of the MSB. The central point of the  orchestration.
          solution is its ability to continuously process streams of
          events and to orchestrate upon event receipt the opera‑  3.4  Security, privacy and trust
          tions that should be carried out, by which entities and in
          which order.                                         The MSB as the core communication module of the sys‑
          The data  low management and orchestration solution of  tem, enables access to both internal and external services
          the COG‑LO system is based on the Apache NiFi integra‑  and information through a uni ied interface.  In this con‑
          tion platform [25]. Apache NiFi offers a visual command  text, the mechanisms for security, privacy and trust cover
          and control centre for designing, testing, deploying and  all respective technologies, notably access and usage con‑
          monitoring data  lows.                               trol,  cryptography  and  trust  infrastructure.  Speci ically,
          In order to integrate heterogeneous data sources, the fol‑  COG‑LO provides a solution for identity management of‑
          lowing data  lows types have been speci ied:         fering standard‑based means for authenticating COG‑LO
                                                               actors;  a  policy‑based  access  and  usage  control  frame‑
            • Pre‑Flow: transforms COG‑LO domain requests to   work for regulating the circulation and usage of informa‑
             data source speci ic requests.                    tion.  It additionally provides an architecture with a stan‑
                                                               dard  set  of  components,  such  as  Policy  Administration
            • Post‑Flow: transforms the responses received by the
             data sources from the data source‑speci ic model to  Point (PAP), Policy Decision Point (PDP), Policy Informa‑
             the COG‑LO domain model.                          tion Point (PIP) and Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) for
                                                               evaluating access control policies.
            • Handler‑ low: handles domain requests as they are  The  COG‑LO  platform  adopts  a  token‑based  authentica‑
             received from the MSB and communicates with the   tion solution offered by RedHat’s KeyCloak identity and
             underlying data source e.g. a database.           access management component [26], and is used for both
                                                               user  authentication  as  well  as  component  (service)  au‑
            • Producer‑ low: generates domain events after com‑  thentication.
             municating with the underlying data source.
                                                               For what concerns the access control, COG‑LO adopts the
          Outside of the context of a data connector the following  Attribute‑based Access Control (ABAC) paradigm and is
          data  low types are de ined:                         established upon the XACML 3.0 language and reference
                                                               architecture.  In particular, the starting point for incorpo‑
            • Enforce‑ low: processes domain data in a way that  rating  ABAC  authorisation  functionality  within  the  MSB
             access control policies are applied to the data.  has  been  extensible  Access  Control  Markup  Language
                                                               (XACML) that has been extensively used in academia and
            • Orchestration‑ low: processes domain events and  industry.
             coordinates the chain of operations that need to be  In line with the XACML reference architecture, the MSB,
             performed in order to ful il given operational needs.
                                                               as  the  PEP,  provides  the  mechanisms  for  enforcing  the
          In order for the MSB to respond to an incoming request,   speci ied access and usage control policies when it comes
          for example in a point‑to‑point communication scenario,   to regulating message exchange between COG‑LO compo‑
          the MSB basically builds chains of data  low calls.  nents, services or CLOs.  The MSB interacts with the PDP
          The COG‑LO data  low management and orchestration so‑   by providing attributes obtained by the original request,
          lution employs data  lows to model the interactions be‑   with the latter transformed in the XACML format that the
          tween COG‑LO components, enabling end users to create   PDP can process.
          custom data  lows for handling incoming events e.g. traf‑   In the context of COG‑LO, AuthZForce [29] has been se‑
           ic, emergency, general logistics events. This enables  lex‑   lected as the policy decision engine as it implements the
          ible integration of information systems and supports the   OASIS XACML 3.0 core speci ication, and provides an API
          realization of the COG‑LO vision:  facilitating the creation   to  get  authorisation  decisions,  based  on  authorisation
          of ad hoc logistics collaboration by combining digital pro‑   policies, and authorisation requests from PEPs.
          cesses with physical procedures taking place at the level   Cryptography traditionally represents the bottom line of
          of actual cargo and means of transportation.         data protection.  Therefore,  COG‑LO puts in place a rich
          In  order  to  support  pilot  operations  and  drive  business   functional  toolkit  able  to  support  all  necessary  crypto‑
          scenarios a set of orchestrations have been deployed on   graphic  functionalities  to  foster  data    identiality.  To
          the COG‑LO platform.  Their purpose is not limited to or‑   this end, the COG‑LO crypto‑engine leverages a plethora
          der  management,  but  also  to  provide  support  for  acci‑   of  cryptographic  primitives,  both  symmetric  and  asym‑
          dental events (e.g.  vehicle breakdown) driving dynamic   metric.  Furthermore, COG‑LO adopts the advanced tech‑
          rescheduling of daily deliveries. The orchestrations lever‑   nology  of  Attribute‑Based  Encryption  (ABE),  targeting
          age    the    Social    Internet    of    Things    for  this  task  to  the cryptographic enforcement of data disclosure policies
                                                               by  leveraging  the  attributes  assigned  to  entities,  being
                                                               people or systems.

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