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 Documents : Geneva Phase: Informal Meeting-ct :
 Title   Available languages and formats 
Report of The Chairman of Subcommittee 2
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Corrigendum to report of the Chairman of Subcommittee 2
(corr. 1)
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
Compilation of statements made at PrepCom-1 on themes and content of the Summmit
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Information for Civil Society concerning the Informal Meeting on Content and Themes
MS Word Document [english] [french]
Report of the Informal Meeting on Content and Themes - Session 16 September 2002
MS Word Document [english]
Outcome of the informal meeting of sub-committee 2 of PrepCom I of the WSIS
MS Word Document [arabic] [chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish]
List of participants of the Informal Meeting on Content and Themes of WSIS
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List of presenters
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Contribution: CCBI (Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors)
MS Word Document [english]
Contribution: Council of Europe
MS Word Document [english]
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Contribution: CSCG (Civil Society Coordination Group)
MS Word Document [spanish]
Adobe Acrobat Reader - PDF [english] [french]
Contribution: Denmark on behalf of the European Union
MS Word Document [english]
Contribution: GCNP (Global Community Networking Partnership)
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Contribution: GIIC (Global Information Infraestructure Commission)
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Contribution: IAB (International Association of Broadcasting)
MS Word Document [spanish]
Contribution: IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
MS Word Document [english]
Contribution: IPA (International Publishers Association)
MS Word Document [english]
Contribution: ISOC (Internet Society)
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Contribution: OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
MS Word Document [english]
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Contribution: SGAE (Sociedad General de Autores y Editores)
MS Word Document [english] [spanish]
Contribution: WCSF (World Civil Society Forum)
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