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Contributions to the 1st Facilitation Meeting and the WSIS Action Line C5 Process
First Day of the Meeting - 15 May 2006

Session 1: Meeting Opening and Welcome

Welcoming Address: Roberto BLOIS (biography), Deputy Secretary-General, ITU

Chairman's Opening Remarks: Stein SCHJOLBERG (biography ), Chief Judge, Moss District Court, Norway, & Editor,

  • Opening Remarks

Session 2: WSIS-from Geneva to Tunis

Speaker: Charles GEIGER (biography), Executive Director, WSIS Executive Secretariat

Speaker: Tim KELLY (biography), Head, Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU), ITU

Session 3: Beyond WSIS - Action Line C5 and Actors

Speaker: Robert SHAW (biography), Deputy Head, Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU), ITU

Speaker: Isabelle ABELE-WIGERT (biography), Research Fellow, Center of Security Studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland, co-author of International Critical Information Infrastructure (CIIP) Protection Handbook (2006)

Session 4: Perspectives on Promoting Global Cybersecurity

Chairperson's remarks: Seymour GOODMAN (biography), Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America

  • Presentation

Andrea PIROTTI (biography), Executive Director, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)

Speaker: Michele MARKOFF (biography), Senior Coordinator, International Critical Infrastructure Protection, Bureau of Political Military Affairs, State Department, United States of America

Speaker: Janice RICHARDSON (biography), Insafe Project Manager, European Schoolnet and Safer Internet

Session 5: Building Trust - National Legal Approaches and International Legal Coordination for Global Cybersecurity

Speaker: Stein SCHJOLBERG (biography), Chief Judge, Moss District Court, Norway & Editor,

Speaker: Betty-Ellen SHAVE (biography), Senior Counsel/Coordinator for International Computer Crime Matters, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Department of Justice, United States of America 

  • Presentation

Speaker: Margaret KILLERBY (biography), Head of the Department of Crime Problems, Council of Europe

Speaker: Mark GOODMAN (biography), Senior Advisor, Interpol Steering Committee on Information Technology Crime, Interpol

Second Day of the Meeting - 16 May 2006

Session 6: Perspectives on Promoting Global Cybersecurity cont’d

Speaker : Art REILLY (biography), Senior Director, CISCO Systems and Representative for the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Speaker: Sarah ANDREWS (biography), Policy Analyst for Consumer Policy, Privacy and Information Security, OECD

Speaker: Bertrand DE LA CHAPELLE (biography), WSIS Online, Civil Society Representative

Session 7: Partnerships for Developing Watch, Warning and Incident Response Capabilities

Speaker : Suresh RAMASUBRAMANIAN (biography), Manager, Outblaze, India

Speaker: Ahmed SINDI (biography), Deputy Governor for Information Technology, Communications and Information Technology Commission, Saudi Arabia

Speaker: John HARRISON (biography), Consultant, National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre (NISCC), United Kingdom

Speaker: Tomas LAMANAUSKAS (biography), Deputy Director, Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT)

Speaker: Nabil SAHLI (biography), Head of the CERT/TCC and CEO of the National Agency for Computer Security, Tunisia

Session 8: ITU Contributions to Promoting Partnerships for Global Cybersecurity

Speaker : Alexander NTOKO (biography), Chief, E-Strategies Unit, ITU-D, Report on Resolution 45 from the 2006 ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference: “Mechanisms for enhancing cooperation on cybersecurity, including combating spam”

Speaker: Christine SUND (biography), Policy Analyst, Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU), ITU

Speaker: Georges SEBEK (biography), Counsellor of ITU-T Study Group 17, ITU

Presentation of ITU study on “A Methodology for Measuring the Capability to Counter Cybersecurity-related offenses”: Benoît MOREL (biography), Professor, Carnegie Mellon University.

Session 9: Partnership for Global Cybersecurity – The Way Forward

Moderated Discussion

Moderator: Robert SHAW (biography), Deputy Head, Strategy and Policy Unit (SPU), ITU

Session 10: Close of Meeting

Chairperson's Closing Remarks: Stein SCHJOLBERG (biography), Chief Judge, Moss District Court, Norway, & Editor,

  • Closing Remarks
Other Contributions

Statement by the Representative of the Russian Federation at the C5 Facilitation Meeting, 16 May 2006

Contribution from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Indonesia, May 2006

Study on “A Methodology for Measuring the Capability to Counter Cybersecurity-related Offenses”: by Benoît Morel, Carnegie Mellon University

ITU Member States, meeting participants and other interested parties are encouraged to send in their WSIS Action Line C5 and cybersecurity related contributions. All contributions will be posted on this website. Please send your contributions to cybersecurity @

Other Contributions
Meeting Audiocast Archives
Based on the first facilitation meeting held in May 2006, work programmes in three focus areas have been initiated, in addition to ongoing activities in the area of spam and related threats.
  • Focus Area 1 (National Strategies) involves the development of a generic model framework or toolkit that national policy-makers could use to develop and implement a national cybersecurity programme.
  • Focus Area 2 (Legal Frameworks) considers capacity-building on the harmonization of cybercrime legislation, the Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime, and enforcement.
  • Focus Area 3 (Watch, Warning and Incident Response) looks at information-sharing of best practices on developing watch, warning and incident response capabilities.
  • Focus Area 4 is dedicated to spam and related threats.

The guiding themes for this second facilitation meeting were: progress by stakeholders in implementation activities in these focus areas, consideration of future framework discussions to improve international cooperation and coordination in the above domains as well as future work plans.

For background on WSIS Action Line C5, please see here

Further enquiries can be directed to

Meeting Presentations and Contributions to the C5 Process

Based on the first facilitation meeting held in May 2006, work programmes in three focus areas have been initiated, in addition to ongoing activities in the area of spam and related threats.
  • Focus Area 1 (National Strategies) involves the development of a generic model framework or toolkit that national policy-makers could use to develop and implement a national cybersecurity programme.
  • Focus Area 2 (Legal Frameworks) considers capacity-building on the harmonization of cybercrime legislation, the Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime, and enforcement.
  • Focus Area 3 (Watch, Warning and Incident Response) looks at information-sharing of best practices on developing watch, warning and incident response capabilities.
  • Focus Area 4 is dedicated to spam and related threats.

The guiding themes for this second facilitation meeting were: progress by stakeholders in implementation activities in these focus areas, consideration of future framework discussions to improve international cooperation and coordination in the above domains as well as future work plans.

For background on WSIS Action Line C5, please see here

Further enquiries can be directed to



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