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ITU YES (Youth Education Scheme) Project has so far supported more than 100 worthy young people, from Least Developed Countries (LDCs),  developing countries and countries in transition to pursue their studies in telecommunication and related fields.

The YES scholarship winners expressed their deep gratitude to this education enhancing project when interviewed. For all of them the YES scholarship represented an effective way to access a better future, and for most of them this scholarship has changed not only their life, but also the one of their families and communities.

Below, you may find some successful stories of those promising young people who were awarded a YES scholarship.




Argentina, Juan Pablo Cosentino

ITU YES ALUMNI: The YES Essentials of Success

    I conceive my life as a relentless quest for my own purpose and fulfillment and I constantly strive for excellence and self-improvement by cultivating personal values with a sense of optimism and courage. I have come to ultimately realize that it is only by proceeding diligently and confidently that we can manage to breakthrough in our careers, push limits, break barriers and set a personal record of achievement (BADOMBENA WANTA Souma, Togo, YES Winner 2006).

    The YES scheme is truly a life changing opportunity that those given the privilege should count themselves lucky among thousands and make the most of it. Now I intend to use my achievements for the benefit of others by handling my responsibilities with integrity and volunteering my time and knowledge to them (MUSUVA MWIKALI Paula, Kenya, YES Winner 2006).

    El haber recibido la beca me dio aliento y confianza para plantearme metas más ambiciosas. Pude darme cuenta de que soy capaz de lograr un cambio en mi entorno, que tengo el talento y las herramientas las puedo recibir mediante esta ayuda que la UIT me está brindando (DURAN PINCHEIRA Alexis David, Chile, YES Winner 2008)

    I really appreciate the YES Project; it has helped me realize my dream of becoming one of the best female engineers in Ghana (ADADE Theresa, Ghana, YES Winner 2008).

    Je souhaite pouvoir rentrer dans mon pays, le Sénégal, pour y faire ma vie et jouer un rôle dans le développement des NTIC en Afrique (BA Seydou, Sénégal, YES Winner 2006).

    I must contribute to the country’s development in some way, since there is need for women empowerment in this country. Thus, I am working very hard to become one of the most educated women in my country, Malawi, and the YES project has paved the way for me to success (MANTHIMBA Queen, Malawi, YES Winner 2008).

    The reason why I decide to be entrepreneur is caused by the fact that I live in a developing country, where the jobless rate is so high (DARDIRI Ahmad, Indonesia, YES Winner 2008).

    It is definitely a life changing experience; I can say that without the YES Scholarship, it would have been difficult for me to continue my study, especially in the current economic conditions (ADANE Girma Fanta, Ethiopia, YES Winner 2008).

    Más allá de todo lo que significó a nivel económico la beca YES en mi vida, quiero recalcar el fuerte respaldo humano que obtuve en todo el proceso por parte de las personas que están a cargo de los mismos. Es algo que les voy a agradecer eternamente, porque no es fácil asimilar que del otro lado del mundo, y sin ninguna contrapartida material, te están dando una oportunidad económica de seguir estudiando algo que contribuirá a poder obtener un futuro mejor (LEMA EVIA Maria Ximena, Uruguay, YES Winner 2007)

    My story – transformed from a shy young man from rural Nigeria to a global contributor in the ICT for Development space – was made possible by the ITU Youth Fellowship I won in 2001 (SESAN Gbenga, Nigeria, YES Winner 2006).

    Tuve entonces, la oportunidad de compartir con muchos jóvenes del mundo la realidad de sus países en materia de telecomunicaciones, y sobre todo, de reconocer la importancia de las TIC`s para el desarrollo de las naciones, así como su aplicación en las diversas esferas de la vida (…) pues comprendí la importancia de las telecomunicaciones para Colombia, entendiendo a este sector, como un sector onmicomprensivo y holístico (CAMACHO Andrea del Pilar, Colombia, YES Winner 2005).

    Studying in the United Kingdom, which was a dream before the help of ITU, has broadened my thinking and gave me a great insight into how educational institutions and industrial bodies are managed to make the most of the available resources and maintain the high living standards in such developed countries (HUMEIDA Yousif, Sudan, YES Winner 2008).

    C'est la raison pour laquelle j'ai voulu renforcer mes connaissances en choisissant de faire un mastère dans le domaine des télécommunications, ce qui m'a permis de découvrir mon profond intérêt pour ce domaine de technologie, en totale adéquation avec mon projet professionnel (BETTO Jones, Central African Republic, YES Winner 2007).

  • ICT
    My future career plan is to further work in the UN system contributing to eradication of poverty and enhancement of development in developing countries while emphasizing the role of ICT as a tool in achieving these goals (NIGMATOV Anvar, Uzbekistan, YES Winner 2007)

    Eventually, this YES Project showed me a path of success and made me confident to get a PhD degree and fulfill my father’s vision. I am counting down my graduation date and preparing myself to sail for my next journey - journey towards the horizon of success (AL REAZ MEHEDI Khan, Bangladesh, YES Winner 2008).

    Postgraduate studies have provided me with an opportunity to develop my knowledge in telecommunication technology (DZAJIC Milos, Bosnia and Herzegovina, YES Winner 2006)

    Those experiences made me realize that the development of the IT infrastructure in developing countries may not only require the change of local policies but also young leaders who know how to leverage technical innovations (NDIAYE Papa Ibrahima, Senegal, YES Winner 2005).

    Being a part of the YES Project is really a milestone for me. It has inspired me to contribute towards getting youth involved in development through ICT (KHADKA Santosh, Nepal, YES Winner 2008).

  • NEED
    I believe that a country like Sri Lanka needs trained professionals and people who have a sense of latest technology to apply their knowledge in a practical manner towards the needs of a developing country (SENEVIRATNE Mudiyanselage Akila Jayani, Sri Lanka, YES Winner 2008)

    Creo que es un gran logro el poder estar cursando un curso de Redes CISCO en Nicaragua, ya que estos cursos aquí son un tanto costosos, obviamente tendré más oportunidades de trabajo y mejores condiciones y oportunidades de vivir dignamente (GUARDADO Carlos, Nicaragua, YES 2008).

    Agora nós podemos e devemos fazer a diferença, lutar pelo progresso do nosso país e do mundo, e tudo isso graças ao esforço e empenho de todos aqueles por de traz deste projecto, eu agradeço em meu nome e em nome de todos aqueles que de uma ou de outra forma foram e, se Deus permitir, serão beneficiados com este projecto (ANIFO Naila Mahomede, Mozambique, YES 2008).

  • ROLE
    I am seeing a truly international perspective on IT Consultancy and on the role IT is increasingly playing in business process re-engineering and within e-commerce and e-Government more generally (NAZAROV Anvar, Uzbekistan, YES Winner 2008).

    One of the interesting objectives of ITU is the promotion of a new spirit of collaboration and of the knowledge essentials for the rapid development of new technologies particularly in developing countries; it also brings together greater participation of academia and encourages emerging young talents to familiarize themselves with the work of ITU (KATETE QABANISO Edward, Malawi, YES Winner 2007).

    Quiero comunicar a centros de salud, escuelas, centros comunitarios, para que la tecnología colabore en la creación de vías de comunicación en campos de desarrollo sanitario, cultural, social y económico (RIOS GUZNAY Fabian Marcelo, Ecuador, YES Winner 2008).

    He obtenido experiencias de convivencia que han hecho conocerme mejor, lo que me ha permitido reconocer mis virtudes y mis defectos, lo que me servirá de base para seguir mejorando como persona y profesional (RUIZ PARDO Julian Andres, Colombia, YES Winner 2008).

    Having been awarded this scholarship has also made me realize that the world is out there for the taking and all one has to do is put their mind to it and remain focused (LUNGU Chimika, Zambia, YES Winner 2008)

    YES is the branch of ITU which is the initiative taken for the youth to come forward in the world of ICT. I, as beneficiary of the YES Scholarship, feel that I must do something that would contribute to ICT in my own little way (PELDON Tashi, Bhutan, YES Winner 2006).










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