Committed to connecting the world

TDAG Correspondence Group on Streamlining WTDC Resolutions

Terms of reference:

  • To review existing World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) Resolutions and Recommendations with a view to streamlining them, taking into account the Resolutions in Plenipotentiary Conference and other Sectors as appropriate.
  • To give due regard to the outcomes of the Regional Preparatory Meetings for the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2017 (WTDC-17), as far as the Resolutions and Recommendations are concerned.
  • To report to the 2017 meeting of TDAG.

Composition of the Correspondence Group on streamlining Resolutions:

  • The Correspondence Group is open to all ITU Member States and ITU-D Sector Members.
  • The Correspondence Group is convened by Dr Ahmad Reza Sharafat (Vice-Chairman of TDAG).
  • The Correspondence Group will use an email mailing list.
  • The Correspondence Group may include email exchange via the email list or through electronic meetings.


  • The terms of reference for the Group were approved by TDAG 2016, and the group will start its work during TDAG 2016.
  • The Group will conclude its work so as to finalize and submit its report to TDAG in 2017. 
  • Periodic progress reports will be submitted to TDAG by its chairman as deemed appropriate.

Meetings and documents


Fifth meeting: 10 May 2017 at 9.30 a.m., Geneva, Switzerland
Template for contributions

The fifth meeting of CG-SR is part of the
22nd meeting of the Telecommunication Development Advisory GroupGeneva,
Switzerland, 9 – 12 May 2017

     ▪ Invitation letter
عربي | 中​文 | English | Español​ | Français | Русс​кий​​
     ▪ Online registration
     ▪ Remote participation

Past meetings

Fourth meeting: 3 April 2017
▪ Invitation letter

عربي  | 中​文 | English | Español​ | Français | Русс​кий​​

Online registration | Remote participation 

Third meeting: 25 January 2017  
▪ Invitation letter 
عربي  | 中​文 | English | Español​ | Français | Русс​кий​​
Online registration  | Remote participation

Second meeting:
28 September 2016
▪ Invitation letter
عربي | 中​文 | English | Español​ | Français | Русс​кий​​
Online registration  | Remote participation

  First meeting: 17 March 2016

Mailing list

  • ​You will need to subscribe and manage your subscription to the list by using your TIES account.
  •  A presentation explaining how to subscribe and use the mailing list is available.
  • You may only send an e-mail to the subscribers of the list if you are a subscriber yourself.
  • Mailing list archives are available for all mailing list subscribers (see below).

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the mailing list. 

Mailing listMailing list archives tdag-cg-sres


​To contact the secretariat, please use this e-mail address.