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Rwanda is a very youthful country: nearly 27% of its population is 16 to 30 years old. However, a quarter of these young people are unemployed and many are in working poverty. Economic growth has not resulted in sufficient decent job creation, and young people’s skills often do not match the jobs that are available. 

The digital economy presents opportunities for job creation, entrepreneurship and economic growth. Rwanda is a leader among East African nations in terms of its readiness to leverage ICTs to boost growth and competitiveness. The ICT sector alone is projected to employ 100,000 workers by 2035.

Key elements of our strategy for Rwanda are: to promote entrepreneurship and job opportunities for youth​, to transform digital and entrepreneurship skills training, equipping young people with marketoriented digital skills, to modernize employment services and introduce a digital internship programme, improving outcomes for young  jobseekers and employers​, and to use new diagnostic tools and data showing what best boosts youth employment​.
To find more information about our project in Rwanda check out the country brochure​!