Committed to connecting the world

Transformative connectivity: Satellite Workshop

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Time and place: Tuesday, 23 April, 2024 from 9:30 to 17:30, Geneva (Room K, ITU)

This joint Q1/1, Q3/1 and Q5/1 workshop informed administrations of the unprecedented innovation in the satellite industry in terms of coverage, capacity and integration with terrestrial technologies. The workshop focussed on how developing countries, particularly unserved or underserved and rural and remote areas, can benefit from these developments. The goal is to support administrations in building their national digital strategies to advance each countries connectivity goals by identifying challenges, potential collaborations to achieve meaningful connectivity with the objective to provide connectivity to all, provide regulatory and business best practices.​​

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[09:30 – 10:45] Session 1: State of Play of Satellite Industry

[11:00 – 12:30] Session 2: The impact of satellites in delivering broadband connectivity in developing countries, including in rural and remote communities

[14:30 – 15:45] Session 3: Satellites to support disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery

[16:00-17:30] Session 4: Non-Terrestrial Network & Terrestrial Network integration