Committed to connecting the world

Draft Programme

XVIII Ibero-American Meeting of Digital Cities
Manizales, Colombia, 3 April 2017

Contact: Cristina Bueti

The growing urbanization across the globe has led to a number of key issues including traffic congestion, increased pollution, indiscriminate resource consumption and over population, which need to be urgently addressed.

In line with the growing urban concerns, technologies such as IoT, M2M, and artificial intelligence have been hailed as the savior in bringing about the much required change in urban functioning.

The XVIII Ibero-American Meeting of Digital Cities will foster discussions and serve as the platform for debating on the evolution of smart cities and the various challenges associated with the integration of ICTs into the urban realm. Participants will also discuss the role of smart cities in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and will also explore emerging and feasible smart city trends, which can be implemented on a global scale and with a special focus in Latin America.

The meeting will be interactive and the audience will be encouraged to contribute to the discussions in each session.

Target audience:
This meeting will bring together leading experts in the fields of ICTs, urban development, IoT, artificial intelligence, M2M and data management, from top policy-makers to engineers, designers, planners, government officials, regulators, standards experts and others.

​08:30 - 09:00Registration
​09:00 - 09:30​Opening ceremony
​09:30 - 10:30Session 1: Delivering on the smart city promise: city awards & city initiatives
This session will underscore successful smart city initiatives and explore how these initiatives have transformed businesses, consumer lifestyles and public services such as education, health care and sanitation, to enhance the overall quality of life and drive sustainable urbanization.            

During this session, a series of cities will be awarded for their innovative and successful smart city initiatives.   

10:30 - 11:30Session 2: Urban governance in cities: Achieving the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs
This session will delve into how ICTs can be utilized to tackle the problems associated with ongoing urbanization and will explore the role played by policymakers in aligning the city’s urban operations to their smart city goals.

This session also examines the resources and policies which are needed for wide scale smart city deployments in Latin America, with the aim of achieving the targets stipulated in the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Moderator: Enrique Martinez, Vocal Advisor, SETSI, Spain 

Speakers: Questions & Answers​
11:30 - 12:00Coffee Break
12:00 - 13:00 ​​Session 3: Assessing urban smartness and sustainability: An insight into the world of smart cities
This session will explore the potential of smart city initiatives within the Latin American digital ecosystem and will highlight key international standards and initiatives, which can propel smart city transitions by helping to set up defined urban monitoring systems for “smartness” and “sustainability”.

This session will help probe the extent which cities in Latin America have achieved their smart city goals, with respect to other regions and will decipher the way forward for their smart city paths.

Moderator: Cristina Bueti, Counsellor, ITU-T Study Group 20: Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C) [Biography

Speakers: Questions & Answers
​13:00 - 14:00 ​Lunch break
​14:00 - 15:00 Session 4: continued

Moderator: Andrés Sastre Portela, Regional Director for South America, ASIET

                Questions & Answers
15:00 - 16:30 ​Session 5: Building a new ecosystem for smart cities
IoT, M2M and artificial intelligence solutions can play a pivotal role in overcoming issues linked to urbanization. Based on the growing potential of these technologies, this session will discuss how IoT, M2M and artificial intelligence applications can boost the wave of smart city developments for enhancing existing process to better support and optimize the delivery of urban services, to encourage judicious resource consumption and to provide the means to engage actively and effectively with its citizens for improving their quality of life. These pervasive technologies will bring about a powerful force for urban transformation and foster value propositions which will be felt across all vertical industries and all areas of society.

This session will also explore the importance of international standards in promoting interoperability within smart city ecosystem, to boost seamless functioning of devices/sensors and enabling the full potential of a connected experience in smart cities, thereby making urban systems, more proactive rather than reactive to the need of their citizens.

Moderator: Kari Aina Eik, Secretary General, Organization for International Economic Relations (OiEr)

Speakers: Questions & Answers
16:30 - 16:45 Coffee break​
16:45 - 17:45Session 6: Rethinking trust, data management and privacy
This session will examine the benefits offered by the data generated from a range of IoT devices in the smart city ecosystem. In line with the growing consumer trust issues with reference to data collection and management in IoT, this session will highlight the main privacy concerns for the Internet of Things and will emphasize on the role of urban stakeholders in creating more trust in the IoT technologies by strengthening the existing privacy principles and standards to improve transparency.

Moderator: Tomás Llorente, WG1 Co-chairman, U4SSC [Biography]

Questions & Answers
​17:45 - 18:00 ​Closing remarks