Page 181 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 181

ICTs for a Sustainable World

           Table 2, which was translated in native language and was      SHG-to-SHG:  sharing  knowledge  and  experiences
           used in the form of interactive SMSs during the field study.   across SHGs
                                                                  SHG-to-Government  :  making  government  agencies

           Table 2:  Sample Questions (translated in native language)    aware of the needs and wants of SHG in particular and
           used for interactive SMS during the field study        the community at large
                                                                  SHG-to-Bank:  Enabling  banks  to  identify  financial
                                                                  requirements  of  SHGs  before  executing  formal
           Q. No.   Question in Category: Training
                  Are you interested to participate in any type of training
             1    program organized by NGO / Gram Panchayat?      SHG-to-market:  Enabling  SHG  members  to  get
                   a.  Yes  b. No                                 market  awareness  and  market  linkage  directly
                  What type of training programs is suitable you?   bypassing  middleman;  enabling  them  to  identify
             2     a.  Agriculture b. Cooking  c. Poultry d. Tailoring   sources of raw material procurement and channels for
                  Do you have access to regular training / workshops?   finished product selling
             3     a.  Yes   b. No                                SHG-to-Advisory  Service  Provider:  enabling  the
                  Do you have previous experience in order to create M.I.P.   providers  to  know  the  needs  of  SHGs  and  act
             4    (Micro Investment Plan)?
                   a.  Yes  b. No                                 accordingly (mediated by NGOs)
                  How many people from your team want to be associated      SHG-to-Training   Organizations:   enabling   the
             5    with this type of training programs?            providers  to  know  the  needs  of  SHGs  and  act
                  a. Less than 5  b. Greater than 5               accordingly (mediated by NGOs)
                  From where do you get product development training?
             6     a.  From block   b. From NGO  c. not at all
                                                               5.3  Challenges Faced and Possible Solutions
           Q. No.   Question in Category: Market Linkage
                                                                 Most  of  the  SHG  members  are  from  indigent
                  Where do you sell the product?
             1     a.  City Market  b. Cooperatives   c. Local Market   communities  of  the  village  with  very  low  literacy
                  To whom do you sell the product?                skills.  They  use  only  low-end  feature  phones  for
             2    a. Wholesaler  b. Retail c. Co-operative  d. Government   calling  purposes  and  are  not  used  to  SMS.
                  What is the main problem for selling your products?   Additionally, all feature phones do not provide native
             3     a.  Less Market Price b. Low demand c. Monopoly   language  support  in  firmware  level.  So,  we  cannot
                     Business  d. Transportation  e. Sale price unknown   interact  with  some  of  them  using  SMS  in  the  native
                  How much profit do you earn?
             4     a.  Good b. Inconsiderable   c. No profit      language. Some members have difficulties in reading
                  Did you know the exact market value of your product?   native  language  text  also.  In  future,  IVR  (Interactive
             5     a.  Yes  b. No                                 Voice Response) [20] service will be incorporated with
                  From where, raw materials will be collected?    NCoRe system, through which NCoRe system will be
             6     a.  Local market   b. City market              able to interact with the community members through
                                                                  voices instead of SMS text. In both cases, community
           Q. No.   Question in Category: Advisory / Counseling Service   training on phone usage will be needed.
                  What kind of support do you want?
             1     a.  Health   b. Education and training   c. Legal     Presently,  SMS  cost  in  India  is  high.  It  is  an
                  What kind of medical-related supports you want?   impediment   to   communicating   with   indigent
             2     a.  Heart  b. Pregnant women  c. Children d. Mental illness    communities  through  Interactive  SMS.  At  present
                     e. Cancer  f. Addiction treatment            Toll-free  SMS  in  India  is  not  possible.  But,  TRAI
                  What kind of advice do you want?
             3     a.  Job  b. Higher Education                   (Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  of  India)  issue
                  Need legal assistance?                          licenses [21] to some  mobile operators for providing
             4     a.  Family Violence  b. Property Related Issue   MVNO  (Mobile  Virtual  Network  Operator)  [22]
                  Need any type of Vocational Training?           service  in  the  India.  Under  this  technique,  toll-free
             5     a.  Yes  b. No                                 SMS  will  be  possible  and  senders  need  not  pay  for
                                                                  their  SMSs.  This  service  will  be  incorporated  with
                                                                  NCoRe in future.

           5.2. Data Processing                                  We  are  also  planning  to  provide  a  low-cost  smart
                                                                  phone  to  a  group  of  SHGs  on  a  trial  basis.  This
           The  responses  are  collated  and  classified  according  to   scheme  is  already  implemented  in  some  villages  of
           different categories to document their day to day needs and   Tamil  Nadu,  India.  A  customized  smart  phone  has
           wants.    These  responses  form  the  basic  pointers  to  the   been  distributed  to  4,626  SHGs  in  the  district  under
           respective authorities / agencies to take appropriate actions   NRLM [23] scheme.
           and orient their services in a more customized fashion.  The
           insights  generated  in  this  field  trial  suggest  that  NCoRe
           will  be  useful  both  for  purposes  of  effective  program
           development and policy design.   It promotes interactions
           and provides direct connectivity among:

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