Page 179 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 179

ICTs for a Sustainable World

                                                                        addicts  physically  and  mentally  challenged
                                                                    iii.  Contacts for micro financers
                                                                    iv.  Contacts for legal advice
                                                                    v.  Push  messages  in  mobiles  of  SHG  member
                                                                        regarding  health  and  hygiene  in  regional

                                                               NCoRe software framework contains four broad modules;
                                                               i)  Manage  Collaboration,  ii)  Manage  Response,  iii)
                                                               Manage  Reports  and  iv)  Manage  Notifications  and
                                                               Contacts  which  is  illustrated  in  fig  2.  The  components,
                                                               responsibilities,  and  functions  of  each  module  are
                                                               described below.

                    Figure 1: NCoRe system block diagram
           2.  The  administrative  agencies  (federation,  government
               agencies) will periodically interact with SHG through
               NCoRe  to  know  how  the  SHGs  can  be  supported  in
               different  sectors  such  as  the  need  for  vocational
               training, market linkage, advisory services, etc. Some
               examples are:

                 Vocational Training
                 i.  SHG  members  will  express  their  need  for
                    various  livelihood  related  vocational  training
                    and  the  location  specific  summary  of  their     Figure 2: NCoRe System Framework
                    needs will be generated by the system
                 ii.  The agencies will conduct specific topic-based   Manage  Collaboration  contains  four  sub-modules;  i)
                    training  at  suitable  time  and  venue  on  getting   Configure  community,  ii)  Configure  questionnaire,  iii)
                    sizeable training demand and advertize that on   Manage interaction and iv) Configure User access. Tasks
                    the  system  as  well  as  send  messages  to  the   of each sub-module are discussed below.
                    members  who  expressed  their  interest  for  the
                    said training                                 Configure  community:  Since  basic  objective  of
                 Market linkage                                  NCoRe  is  to  empower  the  community,  it  is  the,
                 i.  System  will  interact  periodically  with  SHG   therefore, necessary to feed the system with the basic
                    members  to know if  they  have any product to   contact  details  of  the  members  of  the  community  so
                    sell  and  the  seller  can  send  their  product   that system can initiate automatic interaction with the
                    specification,  the  preferred  selling  price,   community on different subjects as and when needed.

                    quantity and contact details                  Configure  questionnaire:  The  questionnaire  for
                 ii.  Category-wise Product list of sellable items will   interaction  with  the  community  is  framed  in  native
                    be  displayed  along  with  contact  details  in  the   language  and  is  added  to  the  system  through  this
                    web portal                                    section.  The  questionnaire  may  be  divided  into
                iii.  Prospective buyers may also register in the web   multiple  subcategories  so  that  community  member
                    portal  for  buying  specific  products  along  with   may  choose  any  category  for  which  he/she  is
                    their location and contact details            interested  in  providing  information.  He  will  then  get
                iv.  Buyers can check the category wise product list   multiple  choice  based  questions  from  selected
                    and can contact the seller directly           category  only.  Interaction  with  relevant  community
                  Advisory Service                               associated with a particular domain makes it easier to
                 i.  Counseling related to                        gather  meaningful  and  authentic  information  of
                         Health and hygiene                      particular  category,  i.e.,  community  members
                         further studies,                        associated with farming may feel more comfortable to
                         job oriented studies                    interact on agriculture and farming related matters in
                         mental disorder                         his locality than on any other topics. The questionnaire
                 ii.  Contacts  for  available  Medical  support/   is organized in such a way that next question is picked
                    rehabilitation  centers  in  nearby  areas  for  drug   based  on  the  response  to  the  earlier  question  on  a

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