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2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           development  goals  for  people  and  planet”,  Nature,  Macmillan
           Publishers Limited, pp 305-307, 2013

           [8]  M.  Prustalis  and  C.  De  Silva,  “The  Sahana  Free  and  Open
           Source Disaster Management System in Haiti”, ICT for Disaster
           Risk  Reduction,  United  Nations  Asian  and  Pacific  Training
           Centre  for  Information  and  Communication  Technology  for
           Development (UN-APCICT/ESCAP), pp. 110-124

           [9]  M.  Careem,  D.  Pradeeper,  M.  Kaluarachchchi,  G.  Gow,  C.
           Sampath,  M.  Ganesan,  N.  Janakiraman  and  N.  Waidyanatha,
           “Sahana Alerting Software for Real-Time Biosurveillance in India
           and  Sri  Lanka”,  Proceedings  of  the  1st  IEEE  International
           Conference on Computer and Information Applications (ICCIA),
           Tianjin, China, pp. 37-373, Dec. 03-05, 2010

           [10]  N.  Waidyanatha,  G.  Gow,  and  P.  Anderson.  “Common
           alerting protocol message broker for last-mile hazard warnings in
           Sri  Lanka:  An  essential  component”.  Proceedings  of  the  2nd
           International  Information  Systems  for  Crisis  Response  and
           Management  (ISCRAM),  Harbin,  China,  pp  59-65,  Aug.  26-27,

           [11]  G.  Gow  and  N.  Waidyanatha,  “Using  common  alerting
           protocol  to  support  a  real-time  biosurveillance  program  in  Sri
           Lanka  and  India”,  Biosurveillance:  Methods  and  case  studies.
           Chapman and Hall,.pp. 268-288, 2010
           [12]  K.  Perera,  T.  Wilfred,  N.  Waidyanatha,  and  M.  Silva,
           “Automation  Complexities  in  Integrating  Voice  and  Text  for
           Emergency  Communications  in  Sri  Lanka”,  Annual  Technical
           Conference, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, 2011.

           [13] D. Wells and L. (Eds) Williams, “Extreme Programming and
           Agile  Methods-XP/Agile  Universe  2002”,  Second  XP  Universe
           and First Agile Universe Conference Chicago, Proceedings, Vol.
           2418, Springer, Chicago, IL, USA, August 4-7, 2002.

           [14]  C. Abras,  D.  Maloney-Krichmar, J. Preece, “User-Centered
           Design”,   Berkshire   Encyclopedia   of   Human-Computer
           Interaction: When Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact, Vol.2.
           pp. 763-768, 2005

           [15]  L.  J.  Najjar,  “Rapid  prototyping  (TR  52.0020)”,  .Atlanta,
           GA: IBM Corporation, 1990

           [16]  C-K  Chau,  K-F  Leong,  and  C-S  Lim,  “Rapid  Prototyping
           Principles and Applications”, World Scientific Publications, 2nd
           Edition, 2003.

           [17] G. Hearn, and M. Foth, “Action research in the design of new
           media and ICT systems”, K. Kwansah-Aidoo (Ed.), Topical issues
           in  communications  and  media  research,    Nova  Science,  New
           York, pp. 79–94, 2005

           [18] R. O’Brien, “An Overview of the Methodological Approach
           of Action Research”, Roberto Richardson (Ed.), Teoria e Prática
           da  Pesquisa  Ação  [Theory  and  Practice  of  Action  Research],
           Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil, 2001

           [19] G de la Cruz, “Will the free mobile disaster alerts law finally
           be implemented?” Rappler, Philippines, 2015

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