Page 172 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 172

2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           with operationalizing SAMBRO before MMS. NWCs were   4.4 Technology related challenges
           more inclined to adopting the CAP standard as in the case
           of PHIVOLCS and PAGASA in the Philippines and DMH   In this section we discuss the challenges of transforming the
           in  Myanmar.  A  primary  factor  might  be  is  that  NWCs   country  context  warning  requirements,  including  the
           realize  the  importance  of  interoperability  and  practice   workflows and procedures and how those were mapped to
           monitoring/detection and alerting on a daily basis. A second   design parameters involving the CAP content standard and
           realization was the NWCs already had competent technical   the  process  variables  involving  SAMBRO  feature.
           capacity  who  were  able  adapt  to  the  introduced   Generally, technology is perceived as the least challenging
           technologies.  The  World  Meteorological  Organization’s   component  in  implementing  any  system.  Relatively,  the
           program  on  advocating  CAP  might  be  a  third  factor.   organizational challenges are leaps and bounds. We discuss
           Although   NDMOs    are   mandated   with   warning   some of the challenges CAP on a Map faced.
           dissemination, given their detachment from practicing on a
           daily basis, might be the fourth factor.           4.4.1. Short Message Service
           To  that  end,  the  project  administered  a  strategy  that
           combined the NWCs in leading the project implementation   Acquiring  a  bulk SMS service for a  Government entity is
           alongside  the  NDMOs.  Thereafter,  the  NWCs  would   difficult than for a private entity. In all three countries, the
           gradually transfer the technology over to the NDMO to own   lead Organization was reluctant to pay for the service and
           and  operate.   In  the  Philippines  PAGASA  would  support   was looking for the Mobile Operator to provide the service
           NDRRMC,  Myanmar’s  DMH  would  support  RRD/GAD.   in-kind. Such an arrangement requires an enormous effort of
           Maldives  has  now  established  technical  competency  and   weaving  the  wave  through  the  Government  bureaucracy.
           does not require the support of MMS.               Myanmar Post and Telecommunications (MPT), now falls
                                                              under  the  same  Ministry  as  DMH;  i.e.  the  Ministry  of
           4.3 Organizational Interactions                    Transportation and Communication. However, it took over
                                                              six months for DMH to get MPT to agree to provide a SMS
           SAMBRO  web  and  mobile  software  applications  were   Gateway free of charge. The next challenge was that MPT
           perceived,  by  the  users,  to  be  useful  tools  for  creating,   had never offered such a service to an external entity it was
           disseminating,  and  sharing  early  warnings. SAMBRO was   a  news  service.  Commercial  providers  such  as  Clickatell
           designed to dilute the inter agency rivalries and bureaucratic   and   Text   Magic   do   not   service   Myanmar.
           barriers by introducing the CAP interoperable standard for   PAGASA  was  reluctant  to  undergo  the  procedures  for
           the  siloed  organizations  to  interchange  lifesaving   getting one of the local mobile operators: Globe or Smart to
           information. However, a challenge faced by the beneficiary   provide  a  bulk  SMS  package.  Instead  the  project  had  to
           countries  is  coordinating  the  implementation  and   purchase  the  service  from  Clickatell.  Going  across  the
           operationalization  the  systems  involving  all  relevant   ocean add more uncertainties and delays to the SMS alert
           stakeholders.  Government  bureaucratic  layers  require   dissemination.  PAGASA  could  leverage  the  “free  mobile
           formal  procedures  for  engaging  the  stakeholders.  Often   disaster   alerts   law”        [19].
           Government  Officials  are  reluctant  or  are  discouraged  by   The project facilitated for the Communications Authority of
           these  bureaucratic  formalities  to  pursue  the  project   Maldives (CAM) to Mobile Operators to provide an SMS
           objectives  of  operationalizing a Cross-Agency Situational-  gateway. CAM negotiate a discounted rate for alerting first-
           Awareness   platform   for   improving   institutional   responders.  In  the  event  the  entire  Nation  needs  to  be
           responsiveness  to  hazards.  This  situation  relates  to  the   notified of a Tsunami, for example, the SMS would be free.
           chicken and egg causality dilemma.                 However, the deal did not come through. Instead, NDMC
           To  overcome  the  dilemma  the  project  was  persistent  with   worked out a public private partnership with a local Bank to
           engaging  the  stakeholders  through  workshops.  Using   purchase the SMS service.
           workshops as a platform reduces the need for bureaucratic
           formalities. However, the downfall to this is that without a   4.4.2. Email
           formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the
           stakeholders they do not invest their time, take ownership,   In Myanmar we realized that many First-Responders did not
           and make the project a priority. The participants active in   have  an  Email  account.  Therefore,  they  are  unable  to
           the  design,  build,  test,  and  re-design  process  were  junior   receive  email  alerts.  Email  also  serves  as  the  means  for
           level staff. These staff members were unable to convey the   verifying  and  activating  a  new  user’s  registration  and
           utility of SAMBRO and the project to their Directors and   requesting for resetting the password. In the Myanmar case,
           Decision-makers  at  the  root  of  the  organizational  chain.   the  project  had  to  create  dummy  email  accounts  such  as
           Therefore, these participants treated the exercise simply as  However,  this  account  would
           another   ad-hoc   activity.   Nevertheless,   the   lead   not provide the aforementioned features related to a user’s
           Organizations   have   shown   a   keen   interest   in   login.
           operationalizing the system. Strategy is to prove its utility
           over  a  period  of  time,  then  the  other  Stakeholders  would
           want come on board.

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