Page 168 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 168

2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           paper  we  discuss  the  Maldives,  Myanmar,  and  Philippine   2.2 Sahana Eden Platform
           case studies, their warning requirements and the strategy for
           customizing SAMBRO and CAP for them.               Sahana is a collection of disaster management modules that
           This  work  was  made  possible  through  the United Nations   work  as  a  platform  for  integrating  multi-organizational
           Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific   response  efforts  in  providing  critical  information  and
           Trust  Fund  for  Tsunami,  Disaster,  and  Climate   communication  needs.  It  advocates  international  data
           Preparedness.                                      standards,  it  is  internationalized  and localized [8]. Sahana
                                                              software is a wrapper around the Python Web2Py software
                           2. TECHNOLOGY                      development  framework.  Sahana  strictly  follow  the HTTP
                                                              standard and RESTful concept, making it is easier for third
           The technology provides an overview of the CAP version   party application to add/edit/delete the information. Sahana
           1.2, the Sahana software suite, and the SAMBRO web and   follows  a  Model,  View,  Controllers  (MVC)  architecture.
           mobile applications.                               The code-base is hosted in GitHub and free to use and edit
                                                              under the MIT license.
           2.1 Common Alerting Protocol
                                                              2.3 Sahana Alerting and Messaging Broker (SAMBRO)
           CAP  is  an  OASIS  (Organization  for  the  Advancement  of
           Structured of Information Standards) advocated Emergency   SAMBRO, is a specialized Sahana solution (i.e. a Sahana
           Data Exchange Language (EDXL) content standard. CAP is   template), designed with CAP version 1.2 as the underlying
           designed for all-hazard all-media warnings; a standard that   interoperable  data  standard  to  serve  as  a  warning  and
           is  recommended  by  the  ITU-T  (2008)  documented  as   situational-awareness tool. The original SAMBRO (version
           X.1303.  The  World  Meteorological  Organization  and  the   1.0) design, as described in [9], was transformed with newer
           International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent are   features.  The  current  SAMBRO  version  2.0  builds  on  a
           also key advocates of the standard. Google Crisis Response   decade  of  action  research  as  discussed  in  [10],  [11],  and
           offers to publish NWC generated CAP feeds through their   [12].  SAMBRO  is  designed  to  serve  as  a  CAP  message
           products  including  Google  Public  Alerts.  Federation  of   publisher, aggregator, and a disseminator.
           Internet  Alerting  is  a  consortium  of  online  advertising
           agencies that have extended the service of rendering alerts   2.3.1. Control
           on  their  online  ad-spaces.  Meteo-alarm  and  Accuweather
           are other, among several, online services that help Nations   Implementers  define  the  metadata  and  ready  the  system
           publicize CAP messages.                            defining the event types, warning classification, predefined
           Figure  1  shows  the  CAP  Document  Object  Model.  It  is   alerting  areas,  CAP  message  templates,  and  grants  user
           essentially   a   XML   document   that   inherits   the   permissions.  Publishers  are  authorized  users  who  creates
           interoperability  aspects  of  the  XML  technology.  The  data   CAP  warning  messages  in  consent  of  their  seniors  and
           structure  consists  of  a  main node element <Alert> and its   approve   for   their   dissemination.   Subscribers   are
           sub  elements  (node)  <Info>,  <Area>,  and  <Resources>.   authenticated  users  with  minimum  roles  allowing  them  to
           Each  of  the  sub  elements  are  composed  of  several  other   subscribe to receive warnings of their choice.
           elements.  The  ITU-T  X.1303  document  defines  each  of   The access control and permission of SAMBRO allows us
           these  elements  with  respect  to  semantic  interoperability.   to  control  the  access  of  the  application  at  different  level.
           X.1303,  is  broadly  recognized  internationally  as  the  key   The  permission  access  can  be  controlled  at  the  module
           standard to achieve the goal of all hazards, all-media public   levels,  particular  table  levels,  functional  levels,  and/or
           alerting.                                          individual record level. This is a much needed use-case for
                                                              the warning, as there are many data which are only shared at
                                                              organization level or between some closed user group and
                                                              not to public.
                                                              SAMBRO’s Audit trail is another distinguishing feature in
                                                              the system. The system keep records of who logged into the
                                                              system, who created the alert, when it was created, when it
                                                              was submitted for approval, who approves it, when it was
                                                              approved  and  many  of  the  essential  information  that  are
                                                              needed  for  the  audit  purpose.  After  an  alert  is  issued,  a
                                                              snapshot  of  the  record  independent  of  all  the  external
                                                              references are kept in another table.

                                                              2.3.2. Features

                                                              All  workflows  are  guided  by  the  initial  selection  of  the

                                                              event  type.  Cyclone,  Flood, Earthquake, Mass Movement,
           Figure 1: CAP Document Object Model                Civil Unrest, are examples of event types. They are the high

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