Page 164 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 164

    Mail_address.                                          5. CONSIDERATION
                     Phone_number.
                                                                 We consider how our system makes up for a shortage of
              The  patient  table  has  almost  all  the  same  keys  as  the   physiotherapists.  Since  TRS  is  useful  for  patients  who
           operator table, except operator_ID is changed to patient_ID.   undergo  home-visit  rehabilitation,  we  compare  TRS  with
              Frames  in  a  file  that  were  bookmarked by an operator   home-visit rehabilitation.
           are managed with the following keys:                  In TRS, a patient is coached by an operator instead of a
                     Auto_ID.                                physiotherapist,  and  a  physiotherapist  supervises  multiple
                     Bookmark_ID.                            operators. Moreover, an operator’s salary is a fraction of a
                     Start frame number.                     physiotherapist’s  one.  Therefore,  a  physiotherapist’s salary
                     End frame number.                       can  be  used  to  pay  multiple  operators  to  coach  multiple
              An E-R diagram for these tables is shown in Figure 15.   patients in TRS.
           A supervisor can search for measured/archived files with the   The  number  of  patients  that  can  be  coached  using  a
           patient_ID and/or the stored_date.                 physiotherapist’s salary in TRS Nps is as follows:

                                                                 N ps = N m * N o / (1 + N m * S o/S p)      (1)

                                                                 where  N m  is  the  number  of  operators  that  a
                                                              physiotherapist supervises, N o is the number of patients that
                                                              an  operator  coaches  in  one  hour,  S p  is a physiotherapist’s
                                                              salary, and S o is an operator’s salary.

                                                                 We assume that a physiotherapist and an operator coach
                                                              a patient for 90 and 45 minutes, respectively. Therefore:

                                                                 N o = 2 * N p                           (2)

                                                                 N p  is  the  number  of  patients  that  a  physiotherapist
                                                              coaches  in  one  hour.  The  ratio  between  N ps  and  N p  is  as
                   Figure 15. E-R diagram to manage files
                                                                 N ps/N p = 2 * N m/ (1 + N m * S o/S p)      (3)
           4.4.4. Replaying tool
              A supervisor can replay the content of selected files by   N ps/N p  is  calculated  and  shown  in  Figure  17.  When  a
           clicking  them.  It  is  possible  to  select  view  items  such  as   physiotherapist  supervises  five  operators  and  his  or  her
           camera view, line between joints, and joint points. We made   salary is five times that of an operator, five times as many
           a seek bar in addition to a replay button, a stop button, and   patients are coached in TRS as in home-visit rehabilitation.
           arrow  buttons,  as  shown  in  Figure.  16.  A  supervisor  can   TRS  is  very  useful  for  overcoming  a  shortage  of
           easily check measured data in the selected frame.   physiotherapists. However, a patient has to pay about $1500

                                                              to buy a PC and install Microsoft KINECT. It is difficult to
                                                              evaluate whether this is expensive or not because a PC can
                                                              be  used  for  other  tasks,  and  a  physiotherapist  needs  an
                                                              automobile to visit a patient for home-visit rehabilitation.

                  Figure 16. Screenshot of the replaying tool

                                                                Figure 17. Effect for shortage of physiotherapist in TRS

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