Page 161 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 161

ICTs for a Sustainable World

                  data  and  coaching  video,  instructs  an  operator.   Both  a  voice  communication  path  and  a  data
                  And  also,  a  physiotherapist  revises  therapy   communication  path  have  to  be  established  between  a
                  programs based on measured data.            patient-PC and an operator-PC for an operator to monitor
                                                              movements  of  a  patient  and  coach  her  or  him  verbally.  A
                  Communication   exchange   program:   This   sequence  flow  establishing  these  two  paths  is  shown  in
                  application  connects  a  patient  with  an  operator.   Figure 5.
                  And,  a  supervisor  can  monitor  an  operator
                  coaching a patient with this program.
                  Therapy contents: Presentation contents to explain
                  how  to  train,  or  training  content  such  as  video
                  games for rehabilitation.
                  Patient  database:  Patient  data  that  include  profile
                  data,  measured  data,  therapy  programs,  and
                  coaching  video  are  stored  and  managed  by  this
                  database.  The  access  permission  policy  for  this
                  database  has  to  be  decided  by  the  management
                  organization of this system.

              The  supervising  tools  and  communication  exchange
           program are newly added to introduce operators to the tele-
           rehabilitation  system.  The  administration  and  measuring
           tools are used by an operator, and the supervising tools are
           provided to a physiotherapist as a supervisor.

                                                                 Figure 5. Sequence flow to establish paths between a
                Figure 4. System concept of the remote rehabilitation        patient and an operator

                        4. IMPLEMENTATION                        Since it is better for a patient to select an operator than
                                                              vice versa, operators log in to the call center server prior to
              We have already developed TRS proposed in Section 3   a  patient  choosing  an  operator.  A  patient  then  clicks  a
           but not its administration tools. In this section, we  explain   button to choose  one  of the  logged  in  operators.  After an
           how  to  implement  the  above  components  other  than  the   operator logs in to the video call center server, the data path
           administration tools.                              is  established  between  the  operator-PC  and  the  video  call
                                                              center server. This data path between a patient-PC and the
           4.1. Design policy                                 video call center server is established the same way.
                                                                 As  explained  in  the  next  subsection,  we  use  Microsoft
                                                              KINECT to measure strain of the upper body  of a patient.
              Patients  are  spread  over a  wide area, and  some live in
           rural  areas.  The  operators are also spread over  wide area.   Since Microsoft KINECT is  difficult  to control  by  using a
                                                              Web-browser, we developed a KINECT control application
           Therefore,  it  is  difficult  to  maintain  patients’  PCs  and   as  a  native  application,  not  a  Web  application.  Data
           operators’  PCs  by  visiting them.  Thus, we adopt the Web   measured by Microsoft KINECT are sent to the  video call
           application as possible to realize the above tools. And also,   center  by  using  the  Web  socket  and  converted  into  Web
           the  Web  application  can  store  personal  information  safely.   contents.
           Moreover,  we  adopt  as  many  open  source  programs  as   We use WebRTC [12] and SkyWay server [13], which is
           possible to suppress system cost.                  a  WebRTC  platform,  to  establish  a  voice  path  between  a
                                                              patient-PC and an operator-PC. Each PC for a patient and
           4.2. Communication exchange program                an operator accesses the SkyWay server to obtain a peer ID

                                                              and  sends  it  to  the  video  call  center  server  before

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