Page 163 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 163

ICTs for a Sustainable World

                                                                  Searching tool: This tool enables an operator to search
                                                                  for objective measured data and recorded video images
                                                                  and conversations.
                                                                  Replaying tool: This tool replays selected video images
                                                                  and conversations.

                                                              4.4.1. Monitoring tool
                                                                 A  supervisor  selects  an  operator  and  patient  pair  from
                                                              the  coaching  list  shown  in  Figure  14  and  clicks  the  join
                                                              button.  A  supervisor  can  see  which  operator  is  coaching
                                                              which  patient  by  looking  at  this  list.  A  voice  path  is
                                                              established  between a supervisor and an operator with the
                                                              sequence flow shown in Figure 5. After a supervisor logs in,
                  Figure 11.  Stand-up and sit-down training
                                                              the monitoring tool on the supervisor-PC obtains a peer ID
                                                              from the SkyWay server and sends it to the video call center
                                                              server.  The  video  call  center  server  sends  the
                                                              operatorPeerID to the supervisor-PC in accordance with the
                                                              request from the supervisor-PC. After that, the monitoring
                                                              tool  on  the  supervisor-PC  establishes  a  voice  path  to  an
                                                              operator-PC  in  cooperation  with  the  SkyWay  server  and
                                                              displays  the  same  screen  that  an  operator  is  viewing  (e.g.
                                                              Figure 12 (b)).

           Figure 12.  Screenshots from a patient-PC and an operator-

                                                                      Figure 14. Supervisor’s page after login

                                                              4.4.2. Recording tool
                                                                 Video images and conversation of an operator coaching
                                                              a  patient  are  automatically  stored  in  the  video  call  center
                                                              server  as  archived  files.  Directory  paths  to  all  files  are
                                                              managed by the database management system. The structure
                                                              of this database management system is described in the next

                                                              4.4.3. Searching tool
                                                                 Since measurements of the patient, video images on an
                                                              operator’s display, and conversations are large data, they are
                                                               stored  as  files.  Moreover,  directory  paths  to  all  files  are
                  Figure 13. Sequence flow to measure data    managed  by  the  database  management  system.  Measured
                                                              data and archived data are featured by the following keys:
           4.4. Supervising tools                                       Auto_ID.
                                                                        Stored date: time stump for storing a file.
              Since  physiotherapists  do  not  coach  patients  directly       Patient_ID.
           using this tele-rehabilitation system, we have developed the       Operator_ID.
           following four supervising tools to help physiotherapists to       Comment: An operator writes.
           supervise operators;                                         Measured/Archived.
               Monitoring  tool:  This  tool  enables  a  supervisor       Directory_path.
               (physiotherapist)  to  watch  video  images  on  an
               operator’s display and listen to conversations between   Detailed information about an operator and a patient is
               a patient and an operator to find out how the operator   stored in separate tables. Keys of the operator table are as
               is coaching the patient.                       follows:
               Recording tool: This tool records video images on an       Operator_ID.
               operator’s  display  and  conversations  between  the       Employment_date.
               patient and operator and stores them in a database.       Date_of_Birth.
                                                                        Address.

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